Looks like it could be Italy,crowd mostly men just standing there looking for girls... Could be from Last year.. I don't believe all the footage we are seeing are from new party's... Fake news stuff....Italy today apparently
from yesterday evening, also INDOOR action possible in Italy. Saw videos of a club in Milano Marittima...
Club closed in Bern. 300 ppl in quarantine.
Les autorités ferment un club en ville de Berne
Plusieurs personnes passées par le «Kapitel Bollwerk» ayant été contrôlées positives au Covid-19, le club devrait rester fermé pendant dix jours.www.lematin.ch
Did any festivals go ahead in Croatia this year?Seen that Defected have put tickets on sale for their 2021 Croatia festival today
Don't think any festivals, the Garden Resort in Tisno binned all theirs quite early onDid any festivals go ahead in Croatia this year?
Kaluki at Noa Beach did... Wasnt many videos on social media on it... People were social distancing though and it was not packedDid any festivals go ahead in Croatia this year?
Sisyphos Berlin open its outdoor area with social distancing rules but also with dancing from this weekend onwards...