Boycotting the clubs...

leecashin said:
vinylgroover said:
Operating a club venue is their core business, so why the hell shouldn't they do everything they can in order to make a profit on their investment.

By forming cartels & oligopolies, creating barriers to entry for new and smaller businesses, over pricing, colluding with authorities...?! This sort of conduct is frowned upon in any business sector and is legislated against in most countries. If every commercial company did everything they could to make a profit capitalism would fall apart...

Rubbish Lee.

Bora Bora is owned by JET. The JET comlex has a business that would be 5 times as large as all the clubs in Ibiza put together, nt to mention property assets in the millions, and you're trying to tell me that the clubs have more influence than JET? What nonsense.
Sorry guys I agree with comin' at ya now.

You aren't just giving opinions now your talking about things you don't know.

But this:

vinylgroover said:
The JET comlex has a business that would be 5 times as large as all the clubs in Ibiza put together

I seriously doubt.
I have just come back from spending 10 days in ibiza from the 28th Aug to the 6th sept.

I have to say that it was probably the worst time i have ever spent in ibiza as far as clubbing goes and i went out pretty much every night.

The highlights of the week were DC10 on the 30th aug, Bora Bora because the music hit the spot every time, and steve lawler at space. The rest of the nights i went to were rubbish. Pacha on the tuesday was dead... dead ... dead. we left after 30 mins, all 4 of us !!!!! el divino for the defected night was awful and full of too many people tring to look good rather than have a good time. I would have had a better time in ibiza if i had not set foot in a club and stayed at the beach bars and i would have saved a fortune as well.

I have seen the pressure being applied to the fun places and i think the clubs / mafia / councils have mis-judged the situation and are applying a knee-jerk reaction to a problem that has built up over the last 10 years and will backfire on them.

Yes we all love dancing on the beach to loud music but this can disturb the locals. OK . Instead of banning it completely. Stop it during hours that will disturb the locals create some days that it is banned completely so that the locals can have some days off. That would be reasonable and fair and would still alllow the locals to benefit from the extra business brought in by the vibe of these places. This could apply to all places, km5,sa trincha, jockey etc.

If any council comes in and trys to ban something completely from the off, they are getting pressure from another source.

Take for example the restrictions placed on space. They have to keep the noise down before 10.30 am and have to close the terrace by midnight/1am but within these hours they have no restrictions and are within easy reach of local residents and hotels regarding noise pollution. This is a restriction placed by the police / council based on complaints from local residents and is what is considered fair by them when facing local complaints.

Now we look at the restriction placed on bora bora that is a straight ban. This eems strange considering the location, within the same earshot as space and probably subject to the same complainents. Ok. So bora bora has music between say 3-5 ish to midnight. I have been there many times and they never seem to exceed a certain noise level and are usually within 5-10 mins of there time to shut down which is very good for a bar of this sort. They never have any major trouble apart from people trying to get taxis home on the street and drunken people, which are everrywhere in that part of town.

The police seemd to have applied the same music restriction that they have on the terrace in space up until now and have now seen to apply more restrictions on bora bora than space itself. This can only be because of pressure from a different source than the locals as if it was the locals , they would have shut the terrace completely as well.

This can only leave one conclusion.

The clubs want the free options for music on ibiza island shut down. They have control over the police/fire service due to 'extra charges' that these services place on the clubs thereby giving the clubs the close ear of the police/council due to the money they bring into the islands civil services.

This has happened in many cities over the years. One of the main examples would be new york in the early/mid eighties where it flourished and was finally extinguished by activities like this . It is unavaoidable in a society like ours based on capitalism.

If i can't go to a place like bora bora / DC10 / sa trincha and listen to a bit of music and have a boogie as a pre club warm-up, then i will have to find somewhere else to go . I have usually gone to ibiza 1-2 times a year for the last 5 years and first went to the island in 1991. I love the place but this kind of things happens all the time on the island and stifles creativity. Have the club owners forgotten their own starts on the island when they were small,friendly and had a 'balaeric' feel? definitely. Is it likely to get any better over the coming years ? no . Will it get worse and will more clubs/bars be stifled in their search for a greater profits / door takes over the coming years ? definitley.

I think its time to create another island of fun and freedom as this one has lost the feel that it had 12-15 years ago . like a club in any town / country thats had its day , time to stop going and bring kyou and your friends to another place thats cheaper , more beautiful and not jaded by the tourism trail as you can have the best party/times as long as you have good company,drinks and a smile on your face.

Remember, the vibe in ibiza was created by people like us , not the clubs. Without us there is no bora bora chant , no space cheer when the planes fly over. We make the island vibe not them. Lets leave IBIZA to toffs and their credit cards, they're welcome to it. I'm going to find a beautiful beach somewhere in the agaen and see if we can create vibe that would be fun.

I'll let ya know when i find it. The £2500 i save by not going to ibiza next year will let me island hop greece for at least 2 months or go to australia for a month / cape town for 2 months / Rio for the carnival / 2 weeks sky-diving above the hoover dam / 3 months in the alps snowboarding.

(some people will disagree but this is my opinion and is as valid as anyone elses, don't blast me too much for it)

total gadget,

I read all your post (I guess it took me 20 minutes) and of course your opinions are wellcome but I totally disagree with your conclusions. How can you arrive to them with zero knowledge about spanish laws, spanish licences, spanish politics? :eek:
i've been in and around the club scene since the late eighties and the same problems arise in very country/culture when money startes to be made in large amounts from dance / music nights .

problems with noise / nuisance / monopoly / persuasive tactics / private deals.

its not a case of spanish law / culture or anything like that , i've just seen it happen in england / ireland / germany / on the spanish mainland/ south africa .

It just happens everywhere. in ibiza's case, its happening under a large spotlight.

Its just the way life is...

depressing but true ...

Well I was there in 1983 and I was walking down past what was to become Bora Bora and saw a man in a black hat burying something.

I didnt think much of it until recently when I heard a rumour from my mate who went to ibiza this year but stayed in San An who said his mate said that the bloke was a pirate and was burying treasure.

The police found out about it and want to shut down Bora Bora. The locals are well hacked off as it means the bloke they employ to clean the p*iss and pu*ke of there drive no longer has a job.

This is all due to the politics that arised due to the massive exodus of Spaniards from the main land in the Franco era.

I love labradors.
total_gadget said:
I have just come back from spending 10 days in ibiza from the 28th Aug to the 6th sept.

I have to say that it was probably the worst time i have ever spent in ibiza as far as clubbing goes and i went out pretty much every night.

The highlights of the week were DC10 on the 30th aug, Bora Bora because the music hit the spot every time, and steve lawler at space. The rest of the nights i went to were rubbish. Pacha on the tuesday was dead... dead ... dead. we left after 30 mins, all 4 of us !!!!! el divino for the defected night was awful and full of too many people tring to look good rather than have a good time. I would have had a better time in ibiza if i had not set foot in a club and stayed at the beach bars and i would have saved a fortune as well.


You need to choose your nights better. I could have told you that the nights you went to would be rubbish.

I went to Coccoon, pure pacha, sunday @ space, meganite and carl cox and all were packed to capacity and all were great nights.
Very interesting post.

Both sides have valid points, but I cant help but agree with Midlife and Total Gadget.

Everyone is speculating about why this has happened, becuase none of us really knows what's gone on, but I'm finding it really hard to accept the idea of locals protesting about the noise. Or doing so more than the usual.

Firstly, I may have missed something here, but where exactly do the locals who have protested about the noise live?? As far as I can remember the only area affected by this would be Jet apartments right besides Bora Bora, unless the new complex they're building are intended for actual "Ibicencans".

Secondly, I think Rob mentioned something about places moving on and evolving. I think evolution is good, but when it needs it. Something that's clearly very succesfull and thriving doesnt, in my opinion, need changing.

If, and its a big IF, but IF it's found out that it WAS the big clubs that put pressure on the local governmet, will you lot IE: Stuie, Robo etc still think it's silly to boycott??
Ferd said:
If, and its a big IF, but IF it's found out that it WAS the big clubs that put pressure on the local governmet, will you lot IE: Stuie, Robo etc still think it's silly to boycott??
they DID put pressure on the san josé council (the only municipio affected - which includes from bora bora in san jorge to kumharas in san agustín). if you understand spanish take a look to this article appeared today in diario de ibiza:


i cant be bothered in translating it all but among other things someone from the san josé council admitted that the di$co mafia erm, the asociación de discotecas denounced varius bars because they dont have the right license. according to this article there are 7 places affected in san josé..........

Buckley said:
monkehUK said:
comin' at ya said:
I love labradors.

I'm a dalmation man myself, they're far more obedient, you can train them to do almost anything... ;)

Rover still biting when he should be sucking Monkeh? :lol:

I quite amused myself when I re-discovered this post. And the wonderful thing is I am my target audience! :lol:
Thanks for bringing up the thread as its quite interesting....

I'm just going to offer my point of view on this. For years I've been hearing that the terrace in Space was going to close due to Spanish legislation in regards to noise pollution and what do you know, Space has started construction on glass walls and a roof which meets the legislation and this year we have Space terrace back in full swing during daylight hours....

DC10 and Bora Bora... These according to rumor was going to close forever last year, guess what?... opening party's are just weeks away.

Now I'm no expert on Ibiza and funny enough this will be the 1st year I'm going. But I do know alot of people who have been going for almost 15 years, I also know Spains laws & regulations in regards to these things considering I practically live in Spain and have been clubbing and raving there for over 15 years, all the way from Marbella's infamous Willy's Salsa, M25 afterhours, and Banana Beach back in 1991 to Valencia's infamous "Routa Bacalao" explosion and I've seen it all rise and fall from almost the begining. All these places were closed due to new Spanish legislation and the goverments famous "rave culture clampdown", but guess what? It never died, it just conformed and settled down for a little while and new places sprung up and scene is still going and better than ever, Dreamers anyone.....

Anyways, my whole point is that no one should jump to conclusions because this has all happened before in Spain and for that matter elsewhere in the world, but in Ibizas case not much is going to change as the island thrives on club culture as an industry and its removal what collapse what little economy the Baleares have as that region survives on tourism. Also if you are against disco mafia's and clubs run by dodgy people and such, I would suggest that you boycott just about every club in the world as around 95% of the worlds clubs are run by dodgy people..... I for one will still be partying for a long long time boycott or not.....
For years I've been hearing that the terrace in Space was going to close due to Spanish legislation in regards to noise pollution and what do you know, Space has started construction on glass walls and a roof which meets the legislation and this year we have Space terrace back in full swing during daylight hours....

Interesting. This just sounds like bad zoning. They've got huge clubs that have been blasting loud music all night for many years, and now they pass more legislation against the noise? Why isn't there a strip/club district where zoning permits this type of atmosphere? You keep residential away from it to avoid problems with the noise.

While it's not my kind of place and it's not open air clubs, I doubt the strip in Las Vegas ever gets quiet. It doesn't matter. It's a bunch of casinos and late night to all night bars and clubs, not a residential area.

Just curious... how's the Mykenos club scene?