Boycotting the clubs...

Nothing !!! I love clubbing as much as the next person I just find it mildly amusing as to how some people are so upset by this.

It's not exactly gonna change my life.
comin' at ya said:
I just love reading all the ideas to sort out all the 'problems' e.t.c.

You lot go there once a year and the clubbing side is a tiny part of the place. I bet the locals are over the moon.

We go there once (personally a few times) as is the case with most holiday destinations!! :rolleyes: Like it or not, tourism & clubbing forms a dominant part of the local economy. The issues being discussed affect us (the tourists who spend s*** loads of cash on the island) so I feel we have a right to discuss...
leecashin said:
We go there once (personally a few times) as is the case with most holiday destinations!! :rolleyes: Like it or not, tourism & clubbing forms a dominant part of the local economy. The issues being discussed affect us (the tourists who spend s*** loads of cash on the island) so I feel we have a right to discuss...


how many times we should say that the clubbing tourism is a very LOW percentage???

:eek: :rolleyes:
comin' at ya said:
Nothing !!! I love clubbing as much as the next person I just find it mildly amusing as to how some people are so upset by this.

It's not exactly gonna change my life.

I agree, and I'll still love the island just as much. Out of all the places which have in effect closed, Bora Bora was the only one I went to this year.

However, it is a shame for the people yet to go this year (or at all) who've been looking forward to it for ages.

If the police can just take it upon themselves to close venues which aren't doing anything wrong then who knows what else they could do?
comin' at ya said:
Its not really a big deal.

World poverty is a big deal, global terrorism is a big deal.

Some bar in a small island in the med not being able to play the latest subliminal hit isnt.

& I'm sure there are message boards for that kinda thing...

You're on an Ibiza messageboard and seem suprised to find a discussion about Bora Bora and how gutted people are.
comin' at ya said:
I just love reading all the ideas to sort out all the 'problems' e.t.c.

You lot go there once a year and the clubbing side is a tiny part of the place. I bet the locals are over the moon.

Tourism is a large part of the economy, and clubbing is a large part of the tourism industry in Ibiza.

I doubt the locals will be over the moon if a key part of the local economy is stifled.

I believe people on this thread are just expressing concerns about what may or may not happen.

Stop getting all righteous and make a point.
Well you have made a point since i finished my post, apologies.

But basically saying that nothing is worth discussing unless it's matter of major political importance or life or death, come off it I don't belive you mean that.

you're in a foul mood and you're being argumentative.

I'm not in a foul mood and not just doing this for an argument.

Basically - I just find it amusing how so many people seem to know the in's and out's of the island and whats good for the island and what the locals think from going on a yearly holiday there.

Especially when for most of it they are off their heads or asleep.

I love going to Ibiza but imagine what the locals thing when they see 2000 mongs running up and down the road after Priviledge kicks out.
i dont think the locals will be too happy in the downturn of peeps on the island esp those who rely on tourism for their €'s.

The major clubs arent exactly skint are they, therefore can do pretty much what they wanna do.

personally i dont see the problem with music at Bora Bora. - always a good place to go for a warm up beer or two.

If the big clubs are behind it, for the reason of lower attendances to their nights, then maybe they should look at their own pricing policies.

Not everyone who goes to the Island can afford to do €100+ in one night 3 times a week!
comin' at ya said:
locals thing when they see 2000 mongs running up and down the road after Priviledge kicks out.

if i saw 2000 mongs running outside my house i'd prob shoot the lot of em.

im sure the majority of us behave impeccabley when abroad. - unfortunately its always the idiots in the minority that spoil it for the many that tend to stick in the locals minds. (see members post re: the guys pissing up pachas walls).

Exactly. If it's the image of the island they're worried about then why don't they just shut down all the pubs and clubs in the West End of San Antonio?
leecashin said:
In the last 25 years, the Balearic economy has undergone a metamorphosis that has transformed what was once a quiet, somewhat quaint rural area into one of Spain’s richest regions, with GDP per capita on a par with the EU average and well above the Spanish national average. The transformation is due to the boom in tourism, which now contributes around 85 percent of GDP.

:eek: :rolleyes:


Clubbing tourism is a very low percentage in the 100% of tourist heading to Ibiza.
Understand what I mean? Anyone can help me with my lacks of english, please?
Your missing the point - firstly the locals view must outweigh the other and secondly unless you are there and involved you'll probably never really know the real reasoning.

My original point was how people seem to know everything about it without any real grounding.

I'm not arguing for or against. Personally I'm not bothered.
silvia said:
leecashin said:
In the last 25 years, the Balearic economy has undergone a metamorphosis that has transformed what was once a quiet, somewhat quaint rural area into one of Spain’s richest regions, with GDP per capita on a par with the EU average and well above the Spanish national average. The transformation is due to the boom in tourism, which now contributes around 85 percent of GDP.

:eek: :rolleyes:


Clubbing tourism is a very low percentage in the 100% of tourist heading to Ibiza.
Understand what I mean? Anyone can help me with my lacks of english, please?

no problems with your english Sil ;)
i deleted that post as i realised my mistake... :oops:

however, if u read i actually said clubbing & tourism not clubbing tourism... 8) :arrow:

(said in the context that tourists should have a voice despite not living on the island as they form a dominant part of the economy!)
Personally I'm a little unhappy about these developments because I'm flying out tomorrow morning and was looking forward to some time at Bora Bora & Maybe DC!0.

However- I do think CAY has a point. I bet most of the people who live on Ibiza won't even notice that these places have closed. By the time next season starts new places will have sprung up and your average drug addled clubber won't even notice the difference.
Cheers Scoobie. I wasnt trying to be argumentative or argue for or against. Just remember the locals and realise that you probably dont know half the politics behind it all.
Scoobie said:
By the time next season starts new places will have sprung up and your average drug addled clubber won't even notice the difference.

do they ever?


to coin a phrase which everyone will prob think what the funk is he on....

guns aint dangerous. its the people who use them who are.

right Chewie whatever you say mate!! :lol: :lol:

comin at ya i didnt profess to know all the politics as I'm sure no one who has commented on this thread does but we all form opinions using the information and knowledge we have don't we?

that is after all one of the points of a forum isnt it?

i just asked for your opinions on the topic... but your opinion we all know nothing may be valid too! :lol: who knows?