Ich denke das feiern auf Ibiza ist bald zu ENDE.
Ich denke das feiern auf Ibiza ist bald zu ENDE.
Demnächst kommen wir mit der dritten Generationach... das ist alles ansichtssache. unsere "nachfolgegeneration" wird sicher in 10 jahren behaupten: "Boah, war das vor 10 Jahren noch geil am Bora Bora."
ich geh immernoch gern hin und feier da!
Naja es war halt alles anders aber laßt uns das beste draus machen Ich denke das feiern auf Ibiza ist bald zu ENDE.
Glaub ich nicht - lediglich das Feiern, wie wir es in den letzten Jahren kennen gelernt haben. Es wird definitiv anders werden, aber nie ganz aufhören....
Also, Gee war nach 2000 noch da. Wie Eisbär schon schrieb, legte er nicht mehr alleine auf, sondern ließ auch andere Plattenleger an die Drehteller.
Soweit ich weiss hat er Ibiza erst nach 2004 verlassen.
Das denke ich auch. Ist wird sich immer was ändern, aber anstatt den alten Zeiten hinterherzujammern, sollte man einfach versuchen seine Erwartungen zu reduzieren und nicht ständig das neue mit dem letzten vergleichen!!
ja - aber nur zur closing-party wg. saisonendeMuss das Bora bora denn jetz auch zu machen?? ...
(http://www.spotlight-forums.com/showthread.php?p=1243872#post1243872)... As I mentioned when we were there in June and numerous other people have said thru-out the summer, PDB is like a ghost town in the day - where all the pre/post Space casualties on the streetsI miss them
Again confirming what we'd noticed in June and other people have said Bora Bora is deserted in the day ... a couple of people half heartedly tried to get a bit of atmosphere going but failed
... we headed into Space for about 8pm. My first thought was 'how quiet??'![]()
In all my years of going to Space I've never seen Space so quiet on a Sunday ...
There was literally 3 people on the dancefloor, they were so bad I just wished more people had been there to see them to witness it![]()
I feel for anyone who may have been going into Space for the first time at that moment![]()
... now that Bora Bora is a shadow of its former self ...
... It's sad to see what Bora Bora has become imo, since Gee left it's been a bit hit or miss but this year it just a shadow of what it used to be - a few people dancing inside, nobody dancing outside, security walking round looking like they have guns and would shoot you for having fun...
... it's days like this I so miss the no daytime clubbing cos the weather was a bit cloudy and that was one of the best things about September how you'd often 'accidentally' end up in Space for an impromptu daytime sesh ...
Bora Bora was pretty much as it was on the Tuesday night, it really has lost that magic it had about it, it's fine for a meeting place before a night out but the days of dancing on the tables and the whole place going off seem long gone![]()
... In all the years I've been to Ibiza I've never seen the place so quiet
especially at this time of year ... everyone we spoke to who works out there tho has said it's been their quietest season ever and a lot of businesses have really suffered - a lot of this they feel is due to the change in laws but obviously other wider factors have had an impact too. For me personally the new laws have had a massive effect, for years Ibiza has been this free party island, whereas now yes it still has some of the best club nights in the world but there is nothing that really separates it from anywhere else.
So will we be going back?? After 13 years going at least twice a year for holidays then I've seen so many changes to the island, most of which I've come to accept but I think if it still wants to be seen as this clubbing capital of the world, then this year has been a change too far ...
Also, Gee war nach 2000 noch da. Wie Eisbär schon schrieb, legte er nicht mehr alleine auf, sondern ließ auch andere Plattenleger an die Drehteller.
Soweit ich weiss hat er Ibiza erst nach 2004 verlassen.
Ich kopier mal einen Text von boraboraibiza.com kurz rein:
gehts in der bb-pyramide wirklich bis 5 ?
Ich wundere mich immer, wie heiß manche von Euch auf diesen Schuppen sind...??!??! Wie vor zigJahren der Laden aufgemacht hat, da haben wir im Garbi öfters logiert, da lag das sozusagen "auf dem Weg", war ganz nett, aber nun wirklich nicht der burner....
....das war unser Woodstock8).....
jetzt ist es eher intern. Techno Schützenfest![]()