Bin Laden killed by US Forces

IME each Americans took 9/11 personally because they see being American as the a central core part of their being. I wouldn't, for example, see a terrorist attack on the English way of life as an attack on me personally, but then I feel very little kinship with anyone purely through nationality.
I think the difference is that we're really not used to attacks on our own soil. We haven't had a serious domestic conflict since the Civil War 150 years ago, and we did that to ourselves. The thing that shocks us so much about Sept 11 isn't necessarily the death toll (although also important), but that they hit us on our own turf.

You all have had much more recent wars at home, and much more experience with terrorism.

Re: the death pictures - I think they decided they were too gruesome to release. They shot the guy in the face!
Re: the death pictures - I think they decided they were too gruesome to release. They shot the guy in the face!

Im sure some sickos would like to see them regardless....

As much as i hate the man i jst think it would of been 'childish' to release them
Having served in the military for 26 years. I said yes they got him, no party no running in the streets. I lost friends in the 10 years of war and he started it. I think relief was more the feeling for alot of people instead of joy. You see people on the news burning flags, Korans or showing joy after deaths 9/11 and OBL death. These things make the news because they are sensational. On another point I would have liked the stories he would have told about the CIA supplying him with arms during the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan.:eek:
On another point I would have liked the stories he would have told about the CIA supplying him with arms during the Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan.:eek:
It is great how we arm our eventual enemies, isn't it?
Did the same with Saddam when he was fighting the Ayatollah. He's not around to tell the tale anymore either!
Having served in the military for 26 years. I said yes they got him, no party no running in the streets. I lost friends in the 10 years of war and he started it.

I don't think he started anything, precisely, in the same way his death won't end anything. 9/11 wasn't the start of terrorism or wars in the middle east. That had all been going on for a long time beforehand. It might have been the first time anything happened on American soil, but that's more down to Americans living in a bubble.

The wars in Iraq/Afghanistan were our decision and it wasn't the Afghanistan war that got him anyway. We'd have had a lot less hassle/death and spent a lot less money if we'd just gone the intelligence/assasination route in the first place.

Just my 2c worth.
Bin Laden was a legitimate target and a causality of war. The Americans were correct in his surgical removal.

I think the attacks will die with him. The youth uprising in the middle east is doing more to disrupt the Taliban than the Americans, so I feel the combination of both will eradicate them.
There is something disturbing about people celebrating in the streets, welcoming the death of another human being.

I might have expected it in an uneducated, backward society but in America, the protector of human rights, due process, freedom of speech and the land of the free.... it was disturbing to watch.

A friend of mine who on Sunday moved back to the US after 4 months in London was super defensive when I raised that, even though I said I'd heard it said by an American commentator! Granted she was pretty wasted at the time.. Apparently at her university there were impromptu fireworks and all the frats ordered a "**** ton" of kegs to celebrate hahaha. Americans 8)

Anyway good riddance, he had it coming. If he was unarmed they could've captured him, but that would be super complicated.. I hope they got good information from stuff in the compound as well, it seems like they did.
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For anyone after some grue, there's a gallery on the Guardian website with pictures of the raided compound and other dead bodies (no OBL, obviously).
I think the attacks will die with him.

you reckon?

I think there is still more to come. If you consider how totally incompatible western liberalism and islamic orthodoxy are I think we ain't see nothing. There are entire communities living in poverty in East London who have zero connection with the UK mainstream or any kinds of liberal ideas and who are fertile ground for the militants. Living in West Ealing, on the other side of town, I also met a few Muslims who were openly misogynistic, hated black people, gay people, liberal people, in fact anything English. The majority won't act on it but for some there is a strain of hatred there lurking beneath the surface, just waiting to explode.
you reckon?

I think there is still more to come. If you consider how totally incompatible western liberalism and islamic orthodoxy are I think we ain't see nothing. There are entire communities living in poverty in East London who have zero connection with the UK mainstream or any kinds of liberal ideas and who are fertile ground for the militants. Living in West Ealing, on the other side of town, I also met a few Muslims who were openly misogynistic, hated black people, gay people, liberal people, in fact anything English. The majority won't act on it but for some there is a strain of hatred there lurking beneath the surface, just waiting to explode.

I agree when you have a part of the community that is separated that is where you can find your next bomber. The integration of people will make it better.