Bin Laden killed by US Forces

Well i'm not so sure they got him, at least now...why did they drop the body without photos of it or at least a video of the ceremony ? why did they blow up his place immediately after the end of the operation ? At the moment there is literally no proof that they got him...only Obama's word...

I don't know... it's impossible not being able to arrest him so many years...was there ever an Osama Bin Laden as he was presented to the public by the American goverment ???
Well i'm not so sure they got him, at least now...why did they drop the body without photos of it or at least a video of the ceremony ? why did they blow up his place immediately after the end of the operation ? At the moment there is literally no proof that they got him...only Obama's word...

I don't know... it's impossible not being able to arrest him so many years...was there ever an Osama Bin Laden as he was presented to the public by the American goverment ???

expect plenty of these conspiracy theories to rumble on.

he was buried at sea quickly due to his faith.
They've done DNA tests + there will 100% be photos and videos of the whole thing. I'd expect them to be released eventually to disprove conspiracy theorists.
They have photos.

The Obama administration is debating over whether the release of the pictures would be strategically sound.

Administration officials are trying to decide whether to release photos of bin Laden's corpse. Releasing the photos would prove that the terror leader is dead, but some officials fear the gruesome nature of the pictures could fan anti-American sentiment.
he was buried at sea quickly due to his faith.

and you really believe that after all he has supposedly done as a terrorist the americans would care about his religion ?

not long ago obama announced that he will be running for president for the second time...a lot of people expected so much from him and he didn't do almost anything...just saying...
How embarrasing would it be if he was an Osama tribute act who had just finished a kids party before being woken up in the middle of the night and turned into a tea bag? 8)
he was buried at sea quickly due to his faith.

Yet they apparently had no qualms about keeping Saddam Hussein's sons bodies in a morgue for several days after their death, and were equally happy to publish the gruesome evidence.

I'm far from a conspiracy nutjob but isn't it all a little strange? All those years trying to find him, the billions spent, the lives lost, then the fastest DNA matching on record, his body apparently casually tossed in the sea and no evidence whatsoever.

They don't think we're stupid. They know we're stupid.
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I'm far from a conspiracy nutjob but isn't it all a little strange? All those years trying to find him, the billions spent, the lives lost, then the fastest DNA matching on record, his body apparently casually tossed in the sea and no evidence whatsoever.

that's exactly what i'm saying! :p
They've done DNA tests + there will 100% be photos and videos of the whole thing. I'd expect them to be released eventually to disprove conspiracy theorists.

He was buried quickly because that's Muslim tradition. Even in revenge, we're culturally sensitive :) I'm sure we've got photos, DNA, etc., before he was fed to the sharks. As for how he was identified initially, it was facial recognition software not DNA.

How stupid would it be to fake something like this? All he'd have to do is release another video holding up a newspaper and we'd look the fools. And if he was already dead, then I don't care either way!
Whilst Americans all over the World rejoice in Bin Laden's supposed killing by US Special Forces troops i don't suppose anyone has considered about the welfare of any of the hostages that are still be held captive by AQ terrorists. It must be said that those hostages still being held captive will probably know their fate very soon thus leaving families very concerned/worried for their loved ones right now.
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I was in a bar in NYC as the news came through and there was a general sense of triumph. Everyone seemed to have a close connection to at least one person, normally more, who died or was injured on 9/11.

For all the discussion of the wider political context, the lack of justice for Iraqi civilian victims of a the war, I can completely understand that for Americans, and New Yorkers in particular, Bin Laden's death is cause for celebration.