Bin Laden killed by US Forces

How stupid would it be to fake something like this? All he'd have to do is release another video holding up a newspaper and we'd look the fools. And if he was already dead, then I don't care either way!


I like nothing more than a good conspiracy, but to fake the shooting of Bin Laden would be the ultimate act of stupidity that not even our nutty western governments would contemplate.

More concerning to everyone should be the question of whether the Pakistan army have been complicit in sheltering Bin Laden.
He never said it though;)
There's also a fake Mark Twain quote making the Facebook rounds:
“I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.”

It's actually a mis-quoted statement by an early 1900s ACLU lawyer named Clarence Darrow:
“Everybody is a potential murderer. I've never killed any one, but I frequently get satisfaction reading the obituary notices.”
good riddance

in the broader context of relations between the liberal and fundamentalist worlds it will make sweet fa difference though
Photos are starting to be released of the scene from inside the Whitehouse during the raid.


So they hacked the Playstation network then sifted through hundreds of millions of user profiles to find Bin Laden. Clever...
There is something disturbing about people celebrating in the streets, welcoming the death of another human being.

I might have expected it in an uneducated, backward society but in America, the protector of human rights, due process, freedom of speech and the land of the free.... it was disturbing to watch.
There is something disturbing about people celebrating in the streets, welcoming the death of another human being.

I might have expected it in an uneducated, backward society but in America, the protector of human rights, due process, freedom of speech and the land of the free.... it was disturbing to watch.

As I said earlier in the thread:

Buckley said:
I was in a bar in NYC as the news came through and there was a general sense of triumph. Everyone seemed to have a close connection to at least one person, normally more, who died or was injured on 9/11.

For all the discussion of the wider political context, the lack of justice for Iraqi civilian victims of a the war, I can completely understand that for Americans, and New Yorkers in particular, Bin Laden's death is cause for celebration.

IME each Americans took 9/11 personally because they see being American as the a central core part of their being. I wouldn't, for example, see a terrorist attack on the English way of life as an attack on me personally, but then I feel very little kinship with anyone purely through nationality.
There is something disturbing about people celebrating in the streets, welcoming the death of another human being.

I might have expected it in an uneducated, backward society but in America, the protector of human rights, due process, freedom of speech and the land of the free.... it was disturbing to watch.

This, really. When we get to the point where there's no more terrorism, no more wars for oil, a fair deal for the Palestinians, etc, let's celebrate, but not while the cycle of violence looks set to continue. The feeling of victory will be short-lived.
Did i hear correctly that Obama is thinking about releasing the pics of OBL :eek:

Is he f**kin serious :eek:
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