Ask the PT

How experienced are you in weights? Years of solid training and lifting? By solid I mean 3 sessions a week consistently.

What are your goals?

Weights wise on and off really never done it full time always prefered boxing or squash but time in my current job does not allow me to plan either ahead hence me going to the gym. Not bothered about lifting two 36kg dumb bells like some of the big fookers in the gym like :D
Goal one, lose weight. I know I wont be able to achieve a 6 pack in 5 months I am currently about 29% body fat :(
Goal two, add some muscle but not too much that if I stop for a couple of weeks I can fat again.
Goal three, just be a bit healthier.
if your body holds on to weight if you consistantly have a calorie deficit , how do things like weight watchers work over time as i believe thats based on limiting calorie intake?
if your body holds on to weight if you consistantly have a calorie deficit , how do things like weight watchers work over time as i believe thats based on limiting calorie intake?

Sorry, let me rephrase that, I was talking about large calorie deficits:

- a calorie deficit is effective for weight loss. However, it is not normally sustainable due to the amount people generally under cut their maintenance calories by, and the types of food eaten.

- a small calorie deficit of say 200-300 cals per day under would be manageable, and effective in the long run.

- generally people on a large calorie deficit eating real crappy food choices, will lose muscle and retain fat - the classic skinny fat look/doughy physique. Resistance training can improve this by maintaining or building muscle.

- the closer you get to your goal, the harder it is to reach (that stubborn bit of fat around the thighs or the lower abdomen). The closer you get, the more bang on your nutrition must be.....and the more you yo-yo the harder it becomes each time to reach your goals. Blame hormones that are involved in our survival mechanisms.:spank:

A good strategy may be to eat maintenance, slightly over maintenance one day, and then under maintenance the next.....and so on. Get your daily protein intake in, and then cycle carb/fat ratios depending on activity levels on each day.
Weights wise on and off really never done it full time always prefered boxing or squash but time in my current job does not allow me to plan either ahead hence me going to the gym. Not bothered about lifting two 36kg dumb bells like some of the big fookers in the gym like :D
Goal one, lose weight. I know I wont be able to achieve a 6 pack in 5 months I am currently about 29% body fat :(
Goal two, add some muscle but not too much that if I stop for a couple of weeks I can fat again.
Goal three, just be a bit healthier.

Strength routine - full body to begin would suit. When you gain enough strength you can look at splits, which will suit you more then. Unfortunately, you need to be consistent to see good results. Working out here and there, or stopping for a week every 3 weeks, will really not take you that far.

Try running on a slight calorie deficit for fat loss, lift heavy, throw in some 10 minute intense conditioning at end of workouts and you will see great results.

See my previous posts on nutrition, or read my blog for ideas. :)
Thanks, dont like running in a gym much though cant wait for it to get warm so I can get out on the road again(I know i'm a pussy :)) Think I will stick to every other day then and see how it goes. My body has changed already even though its been on and off so I cant wait to see results in a couple of months(fingers crossed).
Hardest thing is not drinking beer :D
I once found two massive bags of weed when i was out running early one morning.

I think the way they were left in the middle of the street meant that they had been ditched by someone getting collared by the cops.

Needless to say, I didn't get out running much for the rest of that month. :lol:

(Sorry PT....back to you my friend :lol:)
I once found two massive bags of weed when i was out running early one morning.

I think the way they were left in the middle of the street meant that they had been ditched by someone getting collared by the cops.

Needless to say, I didn't get out running much for the rest of that month. :lol:

(Sorry PT....back to you my friend :lol:)


Londoner, one of the things I struggle with is my diet, and indeed, motivation at times.
I'm a fairly fussy eater (e.g. I hate salad), so always struggle on eating in a healthy way.
Regarding motivation, I have to book an event to train towards otherwise I lose focus with my training.

There is nothing like signing up for a challenge which you think is beyond you, then through training starting to see it become a possibility, then a definate.
I once found two massive bags of weed when i was out running early one morning.

I think the way they were left in the middle of the street meant that they had been ditched by someone getting collared by the cops.

Needless to say, I didn't get out running much for the rest of that month. :lol:

(Sorry PT....back to you my friend :lol:)

See this is why I am fat! I chill too much and get the munchies... I need to stop telling myself - ah the weight gain is because you gave up smoking - I need to get over that - its been 9 months - no excuse now :spank:

I went to a fitness assessment last night - all this talk made me think get your lardy arse in to gear again - and I am officially unbendy - amazing how 4 months of no exercise apart from long walks makes you unfit again....

Shoulder is still pretty bad so cant do much with that but will have to work on rest of the bod and eat sensibly again... dull!:twisted:
I want to lose about 2 stone.

My diet is like this:
Breakfast - scrambled egg (3 eggs)
Snack - Apple/Banana
Lunch - Veg & chicken or mackerel/tuna salad
Snack - Turkey chunks
Dinner - veg & chicken/pork/salmon
Also drink 3 litres of water a day

I'm going gym 4 or 5 days a week, usually 1 day cardio and the rest in the weights room.

I'm certainly losing some and feeling more energetic. I'm also looking alot better as well. Does everything look ok to you or is there anything else I should be doing? Cheers :p
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I want to lose about 2 stone.

My diet is like this:
Breakfast - scrambled egg (3 eggs)
Snack - Apple/Banana
Lunch - Veg & chicken or mackerel/tuna salad
Snack - Turkey chunks
Dinner - veg & chicken/pork/salmon
Also drink 3 litres of water a day

I'm going gym 4 or 5 days a week, usually 1 day cardio and the rest in the weights room.

I'm certainly losing some and feeling more energetic. I'm also looking alot better as well. Does everything look ok to you or is there anything else I should be doing? Cheers :p

What are turkey chunks?? :confused: And where do I get some? :)

Londoner, one of the things I struggle with is my diet, and indeed, motivation at times.
I'm a fairly fussy eater (e.g. I hate salad), so always struggle on eating in a healthy way.

In my experience, most peoples motivation drops when you go to the gym with no idea what you are going to do, and no target to hit.

When I first started training at 17, I would go into the gym do like 10 minutes cardio, get bored, and go home. Since I started weight training with specific programs, trying to always better my weights/reps/sets/rest/technique, I have not lost motivation. It is part of my life now. I just think about how bad I could feel now and in later life especially if I didn't train in a clever way now.

I'm not a fan of salad - especially the sort that is bland and leaves you feeling completely unsatisfied. I find when I see changes in my physique and strength levels, eating healthy is a lot easier. Try stir fries, casseroles, chilli con carnes etc. They can be made in bulk. The gym part is easy - turn up and do 45 mins of good work. The challenge is changing your mindset towards eating ...... you eat on average 21 meals a week, and snacks, plenty of oppurtunity to ruin all your good work in the gym.
Personal Trainer Sutton, London

Check out 'Marks Daily Apple' website for a few ideas on the plate.
I want to lose about 2 stone.

My diet is like this:
Breakfast - scrambled egg (3 eggs)
Snack - Apple/Banana
Lunch - Veg & chicken or mackerel/tuna salad
Snack - Turkey chunks
Dinner - veg & chicken/pork/salmon
Also drink 3 litres of water a day

I'm going gym 4 or 5 days a week, usually 1 day cardio and the rest in the weights room.

I'm certainly losing some and feeling more energetic. I'm also looking alot better as well. Does everything look ok to you or is there anything else I should be doing? Cheers :p

Not looking bad at all Carl. Just make sure you are getting enough fats, if you are dropping the carbs (as it would appear you are). Don't go super low calorie, as this won't work long term. A low carb, low fat, mod/high protein diet will not work long term, and will go against what you need.

To put it into perspective, for fat loss I recommend under 100g of carbs a day, targetted inparticular around your workouts.

So, say you need 2000cals to drop weight per day, and you weight 160lbs.

160grams protein (aim for 1-1.5g per/lb) = 640cals
100g carbs 400 cals

640+400= 1040 cals
1800 - 1040 = 740 cals remaining.

740/9 (cals per g of fat) = roughly 80g of fat.
Personal Trainer Sutton, London
I've signed up for Tough Mudder later on in the year so I'm in training for that. Will no doubt sign up for a few 1/2 Marathons between now and then though too.
I feel like I have enough energy and don't yawn all day like I used to. I personally feel I'm eating enough.

I mix it up a bit as well. one day a week I may have some (wholemeal) rice or pasta but I always have it with chicken or turkey chunks. Lately I've also been having turkey rashers with my scrambled egg in the morning. Nothing in them at all!

I get a bit stuck on snacks though, what do you recommend? (i've read things like a handful of roast peanuts can be ok?). I don't want to eat too much fruit!

Cheers for the help