Ask the PT

Not very effective. My clients have had great results with good nutrition, heavy lifting (yes, even women) and a 10 minute finisher at the end of the workout. If looking to burn fat I would say that 3 intense strength sessions per week would suffice.

Also, metabolic conditioning is absolutely amazing for stripping fat/maintaining muscle. This is where your heart rate is elevated for a period of time and you are also using some form of resistance. Kettlebells are great for this, so too are complexes.[/QUOTE]

Gym wise, I've found that doing 3 x moderate/fast 1000m on the rowing machine on max resistance alternated with 3x 10 mins on the running machine at a moderate /fast pace

Jumping off the running machine onto the rower only pausing to fasten your feet into the straps, it absolutely knacks me but it really works in terms of burning fat.
Also since starting taking it half seriously this year am simply loving it. Want to run in this is a year or two....

David did you watch the James Cracknell Trilogy on Discovery, the first one follows him running the Marathon de Sables, if not you MUST buy this (or come round to ours pre-Brighton Half to watch it :lol:)

It is such inspirational viewing, when the going was getting tough for me last April running the Marathon as it was a really hot day, I just kept giving myself a good slap and thinking if Cracknell can run an Ultra Marathon across the Sahara, then I can run a pi$$y 26 miles along Brighton seafront :lol:
David did you watch the James Cracknell Trilogy on Discovery, the first one follows him running the Marathon de Sables, if not you MUST buy this (or come round to ours pre-Brighton Half to watch it :lol:)

It is such inspirational viewing, when the going was getting tough for me last April running the Marathon as it was a really hot day, I just kept giving myself a good slap and thinking if Cracknell can run an Ultra Marathon across the Sahara, then I can run a pi$$y 26 miles along Brighton seafront :lol:

Saw the Marathon de Sables programme, as you say, totally inspiring, the sort of viewing children should be shown in schools:D

Endmondo tells me that cycling about 25k and thats my calorie intake for the day, so i can eat like a fatso.

Is that true? the calorie burn thing i mean, i know i must eat like a good boy to have good eyes.
Hi Londoner,

Need a little advice. Im 34, 5.6" and 12 stone, i've lost 2 stone over the last year by running 7-10km 3 x per week (10km per hour) cutting carbs almost totally out of my diet (except weekends, where i give myself a break), and very rarely drinking alcohol.

Im looking to lose another stone by September for IBIZA and really tone up my ab area, as that is where i hold my excess weight.

My calorie intake during the week is 1500 per day (and has been for nearly 6 months), my recommended is 2500.

Im planning to get a heart rate monitor for my runs, so i can ensure im in the optimal training zone for weight loss, which means i may have to up my pace. I do a 15 mins ab work out twice a week, with some push ups and free weights.

Should I consider doing anything else exercise wise, im loathed to join a gym as it costs and because im stocky i tend to bulk up not lose fat, but i would consider it?

What do you recommend exercise wise to cut fat, or should I just keep up what im doing?
I know my calorie intake is on the low side, i make sure i eat meat, veggies, salads etc so it is healthy and it is working for me, but is there anything i should be aware of?
Should I eat carbs for lunch on the days I run in the evening?
Is there a specific protein bar that you would recommend to supplement my diet that is low in carbs?
Well done on the weight loss so far. Without knowing your complete history, or hormonal balance etc, I would recommend limiting carbs to 100g and under. 'Cheat meals' size and frequency will depend on you - some people can binge for a weekend, others can only handle one cheat meal a week. Try and eat well 90% of the time.

As for exercise, try throwing in some good strength work - barbells, dumbells, kettlebells, bodyweight etc. Running IMO will give you a skinny fat look.
If you are not keen on the gym, try a book called convict conditioning - it's all bodyweight strength work. It is a long term program, and is more for 'wirey' strength rather than bulking up. Or kettlebells - if you have been instructed by a trained professional - a cheap and very effective way to get a great workout at home. Running is not the best way to get the physique you want.

If you target your carb intake around your workouts, and lower them on non-workout days you should get results. See my previous posts for protein/carb/fat ratios. Fat is so, so, so important. Keep the foods you eat as natural as possible, and unrefined and you will see results.

A constant calorie deficit is not healthy, and the body will do the opposite of what you want it to - its clever like that. Survival is most important to the body.

If you have been a low carber, for a while, try to slowly introduce carbs back into the diet, rather than all at once.
Kettlebell and personal training in Sutton, London
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any dos and donts regarding gymwear?

having never entered a gym and being a new gym member, I'm having sleepless nights worrying about what **** I need to pick up from sports direct on payday. Don't wanna make a total cock of myself by turning up wearing the wrong ****.
any dos and donts regarding gymwear?

Having never entered a gym and being a new gym member, i'm having sleepless nights worrying about what **** i need to pick up from sports direct on payday. Don't wanna make a total cock of myself by turning up wearing the wrong ****.

phat pants!
I have started to do a 3 day split at the gym, 30-35 mins on the cross trainer and then onto the weights where I do chest shoulders and traps day 1, biceps and back day 2 and legs and abs day 3. Can I do this 6 days a week as in full 3 day split twice and then a day off on 7th? Or day on day off 3 days on day off etc depending on time I have to go ino the gym. I obviously wouldnt do as much cardio every day probably keep to 3 cardio sessions a week.
Goal is to lose flab and tone up.
I have always been quite a tall slim guy but always had my little beer belly.
Tried all sorts of long distance running, sprinting, interval training and couldn't shift it.

As soon as i started doing weights as well i was amazing at how quickly it started to go down.
any dos and donts regarding gymwear?

having never entered a gym and being a new gym member, I'm having sleepless nights worrying about what **** I need to pick up from sports direct on payday. Don't wanna make a total cock of myself by turning up wearing the wrong ****.

Last night at the gym me and my two mates on the treadmills all in running shorts and vests....guy on the cross trainer next to me: Joggers, baggy hoody, hat and gloves. :rolleyes: If he was overweight and trying to sweat out some excess fair enough but he's stick thin as it is.
any dos and donts regarding gymwear?

having never entered a gym and being a new gym member, I'm having sleepless nights worrying about what **** I need to pick up from sports direct on payday. Don't wanna make a total cock of myself by turning up wearing the wrong ****.

Keep it bright and tight. 8)

Think Pink.:lol:

Or like half the fellas at my gym, wear big padded gilets and caps or beanies :lol::evil:
I have always been quite a tall slim guy but always had my little beer belly.
Tried all sorts of long distance running, sprinting, interval training and couldn't shift it.

As soon as i started doing weights as well i was amazing at how quickly it started to go down.

Spot on! You don't have to get big when doing weights. It's a combo of nutrition, reps, sets and weights and rest.
I have started to do a 3 day split at the gym, 30-35 mins on the cross trainer and then onto the weights where I do chest shoulders and traps day 1, biceps and back day 2 and legs and abs day 3. Can I do this 6 days a week as in full 3 day split twice and then a day off on 7th? Or day on day off 3 days on day off etc depending on time I have to go ino the gym. I obviously wouldnt do as much cardio every day probably keep to 3 cardio sessions a week.
Goal is to lose flab and tone up.

How experienced are you in weights? Years of solid training and lifting? By solid I mean 3 sessions a week consistently.

What are your goals?