Love the underground saturdays @ tox
Just found this on RA
Love the underground saturdays @ tox
Just found this on RA
Sorry bossyou don't seem to read our website often eh? no need to go on RA, it's on our party calendar and there was even an announcement for it...
you don't seem to read our website often eh? no need to go on RA, it's on our party calendar and there was even an announcement for it...
If i had to take a guess based on the shorter lineups, I would say going to be main onlywill the tale of us nights be tunes in both rooms - main and terrace?
someone in the know i see?I feel like something new is due. How about an Innervisions or Life & Death DC10 night?
yes looking at that i guess you would be rightIf i had to take a guess based on the shorter lineups, I would say going to be main only
wasnt meant to be getting over this year but this wee additional night makes me wanna book up again now.the l&d at dc10 was another 'worst secret' this winter...the first time I heard about it was before christmas.
very good line ups definitely on all dates. one room only. even if it's only 5 dates, it's another new night that takes some artists away that normally would play elsewhere. it's gonna be a very interesting season!
Any thoughts on the timeframe for this Life & Death Party? Will it start earlier similar to Circo Loco or be more of its own night like Paradise? Was planning on Music On for 8/28 but considering Tale of Us's tour schedule (as of now at least) may be my only shot to catch them this summer as they do not look like they will be hanging out in the States much. Wouldnt mind doing both parties but not sure if its feasible...
someone in the know i see?![]()
Thats a bummer... decisions, decisions at least theres time to think about it, most likely will have to skip Music On thoughI think 11pm or midnight to 7am.
, since they are only running through Aug does this mean they have replaced the usual takeovers on Sat nights at DC10?
That one is the key right there, those lost in a moment parties usually take a long time to announce, heard some whispers this weekend there will be one in new york soon, can never get enough from the innervisions teaminnervision's lost in a moment...