Ive been to Sankeys about 8 times now, and its not really a club I get excited about either, the basement sound system is just too bassey, I mean its good, but there is no real clarity in the music.
I only found the lab after my 4th time!! Maybe it wasn't open before I dont know, but that room just seems like any other, it actually reminded me of the Santuary in Milton Keynes that was open years ago, just a warehouse..
The funny little room up the top is just another room to look in I feel..
The terrace, I feel they have got this so wrong, for some reason it is always half roped off, surely this cant be VIp!? Its more like a building site, they should invest in more chairs, plants, decor, make it a bit more of a nice chillout area..
I hate all the graffiti they have on the walls, makes the place feel a bit run down, I know they are going for a certain look but I dont like it
I almost want the owners of Ushuaia to come along and decorate the place!