ANPR Cameras

x-amount said:
Going back to this, what exactly is the problem wih police knowing where your car is being driven?


right or left?
naddyz said:
in britain we have a healthy skeptecism fueled by the fact that the police force is practically paid for through speeding fines via these cameras...

The police force qué? :eek:
Barbie said:
Jon Carter ;)

Errr I am but I thought we were talking bout ID cards, I got a bit confused so I went into the Golden Globes thread as it was more on my intelligence level :lol:

sorry............its that breakfast i had this morning.

(jon carter did a track called 'women beat their men' - see my post above..................this makes no sense, does it:rolleyes: )
x-amount said:
Going back to this, what exactly is the problem wih police knowing where your car is being driven?

I'm all for apnr camera's.

Do you know, I don't really know myself. I just don't like it and i think it's a bit intruding. It's just another thing collecting information about you.
Barbie said:
Jon Carter ;)

Errr I am but I thought we were talking bout ID cards, I got a bit confused so I went into the Golden Globes thread as it was more on my intelligence level :lol:

Why are people so damn picky on the correct spelling of DJ's names?

stuie said:
Do you know, I don't really know myself. I just don't like it and i think it's a bit intruding. It's just another thing collecting information about you.

But if you actually get away from the "it's taking away my freedom" hysteria, you'll actually think of them as a good thing.

TBH, your opinion could easily be a column in the Daily Mail.

The only issue I see with them, is that numbers of real police (bobbies and patrol cars etc) dwindles with the reliance on them.
grego said:
sorry............its that breakfast i had this morning.

(jon carter did a track called 'women beat their men' - see my post above..................this makes no sense, does it:rolleyes: )

:lol: Just quit while you're ahead :lol: ;)
ANPR cameras are a great idea i fink. for the tree hugging reasons babs gives

but id cards (which is a misnomer anyway cos ID stands for Identity Document so the word card is redundant) are a pretty poor idea. they won't stop crime and will be easily forged anyway

we have managed pretty well in the uk without compusolry IDs up till now and just coz other countries have them is no reason for us to. i fink it is a basic right that i should be entitled to my privacy as a matter of course.

and like the x-man says, they will be expensive and terribly managed.
silvia said:
I did understand that, I didn't get what you said after it :rolleyes: :lol: :lol:

oh.. lol

basically these cameras catch people speeding, they get fined, and then the fines go towards paying for the police force. They make tonnes of money out of them
but as someone raised the point earlier.........what real effect will ID cards have??

e.g. you could still go and murder, rape, bomb someone, couldn't you. This is the crux of the problem..........its not actually tackling the causes of crime (one of Blair's manifesto pledges).

the july bombings in london were carried out by British citizens, ID cards wouldn't have made a difference.
grego said:
but as someone raised the point earlier.........what real effect will ID cards have??


like most of the New Labour Policies and reforms, its another ill thought out lazy solution, and yet another waste of taxpayers cash, and a "reason" not to lower taxes, to give hardworking folk a break.
chewie_oo7 said:

like most of the New Labour Policies and reforms, its another ill thought out lazy solution, and yet another waste of taxpayers cash, and a "reason" not to lower taxes, to give hardworking folk a break.

chewie, stop being such a

chewie_oo7 said:

like most of the New Labour Policies and reforms, its another ill thought out lazy solution, and yet another waste of taxpayers cash, and a "reason" not to lower taxes, to give hardworking folk a break.

Chewie, are you thinking what we're thinking? :lol:
russ said:
ID stands for Identity Document

Nah ah

ID stands for F*ckingLoveYouGumbo football violence films.

"Jon and Trev, painters 'n decorator..."

"'E reads for me, I slap people for 'im"
stuie said:
Chewie, are you thinking what we're thinking? :lol:

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