ANPR Cameras

stuie said:
now thats paranoia :lol:

not at all, its called being friendly!

try it out.

next time yr on the phone, shout out IM GONNA BOMB NUMBER 10. and look for the blacked out Chrysler Voyager People Carrier cruising up n down yr street
Scoobie said:
will he need to declare that as his profession on his ID card?

because professional murderers will always be sure to carry their ID cards at all times :lol:

as will suicide bombers and burglars and rapists!

see my point? i'm at a loss trying to understand how they will 'combat crime' :lol:
I read an article yesterday - apparently there are 4.2million CCTV cameras in the UK, more per capita than anywhere else in the world

that's scary....

What's even more scary is the level of data kept by tescos on everything you've bought, your shopping patterns (time of day, frequency, whether you use vouchers and then you're given a 'category' which they target you with like low income working mother = send vouchers for crisps but not salad) just in exchange for a few loyalty points!
naddyz said:
What's even more scary is the level of data kept by tescos on everything you've bought, your shopping patterns (time of day, frequency, whether you use vouchers and then you're given a 'category' which they target you with like low income working mother = send vouchers for crisps but not salad) just in exchange for a few loyalty points!

thats the only reason why the supermarkets bother with loyalty schemes. they probably know better than we do what we buy.

My profile must be pretty wierd - we only ever buy alcohol and cleaning products as the supermarket :lol: :lol:
naddyz said:
What's even more scary is the level of data kept by tescos on everything you've bought, your shopping patterns (time of day, frequency, whether you use vouchers and then you're given a 'category' which they target you with like low income working mother = send vouchers for crisps but not salad) just in exchange for a few loyalty points!

I used to work for Tesco and the amount of information they hold on their customers and how they use this information to target them is really scary and I'm sure must be bordering on unethical :confused:
Barbie said:
I used to work for Tesco and the amount of information they hold on their customers and how they use this information to target them is really scary and I'm sure must be bordering on unethical :confused:

Plus they can also sell that information on to other companies to bombard you with crap about their products because you've been identified as a potential customer :evil:
Scoobie said:
Plus they can also sell that information on to other companies to bombard you with crap about their products because you've been identified as a potential customer :evil:

companies will pay to have vouchers for their products given out to only potential customers

scoobie you must get hilarious ones like vodka flavoured soap :lol: :lol: :lol:
naddyz said:
companies will pay to have vouchers for their products given out to only potential customers

scoobie you must get hilarious ones like vodka flavoured soap :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now there's an idea for the extreme alcoholic. You could take a bath then drink the water.
They cost £100 ponds for one reason and one reason only.

The government/public sector is involved. Working for them/being contracted to work for them is like a license to waste time and double charge. Jyst look at the administration of the Congestion charge (a great example). I have never know a company to be so universally useless as Capita.

It's an arbitrary figure anyway. If you realise what our govt spends/wastes on nuclear programs, european MP's (I could be here all day) you'd be very surprised.

Teh 'think tank', and time spent on it has probably cost us £40 each already (tax wise - I assume they will take it out of the tax pool, and charge for it (like a passport)?
x-amount said:
They cost £100 ponds for one reason and one reason only.

The government/public sector is involved. Working for them/being contracted to work for them is like a license to waste time and double charge. Jyst look at the administration of the Congestion charge (a great example). I have never know a company to be so universally useless as Capita.

It's an arbitrary figure anyway. If you realise what our govt spends/wastes on nuclear programs, european MP's (I could be here all day) you'd be very surprised.

Teh 'think tank', and time spent on it has probably cost us £40 each already (tax wise - I assume they will take it out of the tax pool, and charge for it (like a passport)?

abolish govt, and lets have a free for all!

if everyone in the country refuses to pay their taxes, they cant put us all in jail can they!
chewie_oo7 said:
abolish govt, and lets have a free for all!

if everyone in the country refuses to pay their taxes, they cant put us all in jail can they!

yeah i'm with love!!! men, burn your bras:eek: !! women, beat your men (carter babs;) )!:lol: :lol:
grego said:
yeah i'm with love!!! men, burn your bras:eek: !! women, beat your men (carter babs;) )!:lol: :lol:

burning my bra might benefit the breast feeding/twinsets dilemma I had the other day :lol: :lol:

I'm with you in that privacy thing, but we have those cams here and they helped to catch murderers (was it you?) and really mad drivers.
silvia said:

I'm with you in that privacy thing, but we have those cams here and they helped to catch murderers (was it you?) and really mad drivers.

probably not Sil, i'm taking a career break :lol:
stuie said:
:lol: They don't catch you climbing trees etc. They read your number plate and log where you drive, when you drive there, take your picture etc. There is dumbass yocals in the paper saying 'If you've got nothing to hide' blah blah blah but its like ID cards, just another piece of your freedom and privacy being taken away from you. And the council hasnt ruled out selling the information commercially either, meaning that like you can track someones mobile on the internet, you may be able to track their car movements.

Going back to this, what exactly is the problem wih police knowing where your car is being driven?

I'm all for apnr camera's.
silvia said:

I'm with you in that privacy thing, but we have those cams here and they helped to catch murderers (was it you?) and really mad drivers.

in britain we have a healthy skeptecism fueled by the fact that the police force is practically paid for through speeding fines via these cameras...
grego said:
thought you were a self-confessed john carter stalker.............??:confused: correct?

Jon Carter ;)

Errr I am but I thought we were talking bout ID cards, I got a bit confused so I went into the Golden Globes thread as it was more on my intelligence level :lol: