ANPR Cameras

silvia said:
That was my next question: what if you have an accident far away and you don't have your passport with you :lol:

It's a cultural thing. Stuie, if we hadn't id cards I think I wouldn't like them neither ;)

perhaps you are right Sil.

like i said, i always have with me photo driving license, credit cards and NI card. on request i can produce passport, birth certificate, proof of address etc. it's not the ID card itself people are against, its the massive databases behind it that will be used to collect information and keep tabs on everyone.
stuie said:
perhaps you are right Sil.

like i said, i always have with me photo driving license, credit cards and NI card. on request i can produce passport, birth certificate, proof of address etc. it's not the ID card itself people are against, its the massive databases behind it that will be used to collect information and keep tabs on everyone.

I lost my driving licence 6 months ago (didn't bother replacing it cos don't drive anymore) my NI card (didn't bother replacing that cos I know it) and loads of other cards, someone has probably stolen my identity :eek: :confused: (not that they'd want it come to think about it tho :lol: )
stuie said:
perhaps you are right Sil.

like i said, i always have with me photo driving license, credit cards and NI card. on request i can produce passport, birth certificate, proof of address etc. it's not the ID card itself people are against, its the massive databases behind it that will be used to collect information and keep tabs on everyone.

I'm against that too, but if you are into the system you should accept that they know even the brand of your toilet paper :lol:
i dont object to them.

only thing i object to is the price we have to pay for one.

£100 seems very excessive.
silvia said:
I'm against that too, but if you are into the system you should accept that they know even the brand of your toilet paper :lol:

:eek: :eek: i'm gonna stop buying the cheap stuff then, how embarrassing!! :lol:
chewie_oo7 said:
i dont object to them.

only thing i object to is the price we have to pay for one.

£100 seems very excessive.

they are £100 because the people in employment will have to pay for all the peoples who are on benefits as per effing usual :lol:
The Fox said:
If you could steal someone's identity who's would you steal and why?
Roman Abramovich.... though I don't think I'd get very far given the lack of physical resemblance :lol: Why? Because I want to ride on one of those yachts... oh, and because he gets great seats to Chelsea games :lol:

I think the national ID card is a great idea. It'd be good in the States as we've got 50-something different drivers licenses so no standard identification other than the passport (which you don't want to carry around with you all the time).

As for the data, a lot of that is available in much less secure databases than the one that would have to be built for this project.

And yes, you do have ANPR cameras in the UK... we have them back in Washington too. Used mainly for traffic violations (speeding, red lights, congestion charge).
stuie said:
they are £100 because the people in employment will have to pay for all the peoples who are on benefits as per effing usual :lol:

ah the old, u can afford it, so u can pay for everyone else policy.

we may as well start an adopt a scrounger scheme.
ive found a much more cost effective version.

might email it to Tony for serious consideration.

Which brings me onto benefit fraud and the like. Surely ID cards would make it more difficult. It just seems that more and more in this country you may as well just not bother bloody working.

I probably should have started this as "Outraged from Essex" or something.
Morbyd said:
And yes, you do have ANPR cameras in the UK...

I know, i told you that :lol: I saw them on my way in this morning :lol: :lol:
But are they necessary? I'd like to see the police (and funds) doing things which are important like having a presence on the streets in the towns and cities where people are getting mugged/assaulted rather than sitting at there computer going "Oooooh look theres stuie driving his car" :lol: :lol: :lol:
stuie said:
I know, i told you that :lol: I saw them on my way in this morning :lol: :lol:
But are they necessary? I'd like to see the police (and funds) doing things which are important like having a presence on the streets in the towns and cities where people are getting mugged/assaulted rather than sitting at there computer going "Oooooh look theres stuie driving his car" :lol: :lol: :lol:

why are you so paranoid that anyone is interested in yr daily/nocturnal goings on?

:rolleyes: :p
chewie_oo7 said:
why are you so paranoid that anyone is interested in yr daily/nocturnal goings on?

:rolleyes: :p

because it's private chewie. so long as i'm not doing anything illegal i still believe in the good old fashioned right to privacy.
stuie said:
because it's private chewie. so long as i'm not doing anything illegal i still believe in the good old fashioned right to privacy.

well draw yr curtains!

anyways, who's to say the boys at M:I6 arent monitoring this site, or yr phone calls.

i frequently say hi to them when im on the phone.