laut dancemaster geht die eigentliche amnesia-closingparty morgens um 7 los
(also mit dem ende der matinee-nacht) und dauert bis 17.00 uhr ! ? !
keine ahnung ob das stimmt ...
Matinee will take place at the club until 7am on October 3rd.
From then on and until 5pm is the official Amnesia closing party.
... hört sich irgendwie anders an auf der amnesia-seite:
Amnesia Closing Party presents
El Cierre
The legendary Closing Party of Amnesia is a must for all ibiza lovers.
The last big party of Ibiza season 2009!!
The night starts at 11 p.m. and goes on for 11 hours
full of performances and live acts from our artists and our special guests.
This year Amnesia joins forces with Matinée for the closing party
bringing its Matinée All Star DJs and its usual performances.
Richie Hawtin, Luciano and Marco Carola will be the main guest djs
together with our resident DJ's Mar-T, Les Schmitz and Caal Smile.
The best way to say goodbye to this incredible season.
We are also bringing some of the best performances and live acts
to make the night without any doubt "a night to remember".
Micah the electronic violinist, Zeles (electronic percussions), Ruben Moran (Sax),
Lorena (electronic piano), Kryoman (robot man), Luis Diablo and Zircaos
doing their crazy performances ...