Amnesia closing party!

... what means the string "08:00 - ??"
"08:00" is probably the "official" beginning of the AMNESIA CLOSINGPARTY:
Matinee will take place at the club until 7am on October 3rd.
From then on and until 5pm is the official Amnesia closing party.

does anybody know if there is something like a break or partystop
between 7am and 8am ?
or is matineeclosing/amnesiaclosing a nonstopparty ...
i'm sure it will be nonstop.
i'm quite sure you will be able to leave and come back again, the only thing you'll need to do is tip the security. it used to be like that during the last few years.

i'm also sure it will be amazing again. so looking forward to this one!
:twisted::D its ridiiculous - just left the party at 12.30 ...
and ITS STILL GOING STRONG IN FULL FORCE :twisted::twisted::twisted:

police control 200m after leaving amnesia parking -
had to make the alcoholtest with this new ****ing machine :twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted:
Once party of the summer.

Luciano played really housey, then it was just pure techno with hawtin and carola b2b.

Amazing atmosphere. :-)

told ya!!

without being able to hear and feel the bass and be in the middle of it when it kicks, the vids are pretty meaningless. but the chaos in the booth gives a good indication as to what the vibe is like.......

...there is a guy who i know in there who works a pot washer in a pizzeria in ibiza town. he said he just walked into the booth and stood there right in the middle of case you hadn't already guessed that DJ booths were full of nobodies. (all the cool people are on the dancefloor remember!;))
space? WHAT is space??? amnesia closing best you can ever get....the terrace sounded and looked like KU back in the old days...amaaaaaaaaaazing atmosphere...I LOVE U,AMNESIA :spank: