A Pond

What an exciting summer we have had in the wilds of Tufnell Park. The pond has been teeming with life. The tadpoles turned into froglets and have vacated the pond for all parts of the garden although they are returning every now and then. We have had the most beautiful dragonflies for the first time this summer too. The lilly has produced a stream of lovely flowers.

Now in late summer, the blooms are over and the plants are slowly dieing back, turning brown and drooping.

pics taken this morning



Alton towers suddenly realise that their missing Black hole attraction had really been stolen by an amateur gardener in North London and had not actually collpased in upon itself as previously thought.
we had a very cold spell a couple of weeks back and i walked across the pond then. a bit like that Jesus fella
the only remotely interesting thing about gardens is what potentially lies underneath them

you always hope to find treasure, anderson air-raid shelters, discarded crates of ganja or human skeletons but it's always some other kunt in the local gazette who finds anything eye-catching

we had a pond with a load of frogs which kept procreating to the point that a turf war started with the Japanese goldfish who had the south flank to themselves, all resolved amicably in the end
I dug up my parents garden once and found Two huge Great Dane skeletons :D

Then a couple of years later while digging in a field some kids and I found a small coffin with a babies skeleton inside. Police called out and everything and it turned out to be an old toy of some sort, was scary at the time when you're 11 years old though and think you're about to get done for murdering a baby.
the pond is looking mighty fine guys

the marsh marigolds are in full bloom, the water is full of thousands of tadpoles, frogs, waterboatmen, aquasnails etc are in good supply. All is in fine fettle in downtown Tufnell Park

Im jealous - reckon I have at least another 3 weeks before my oasis for chillaxing is complete....... I bet the weather becomes pants once its all finished...:spank: