A Pond

an update for you krrrrrrrazy kidz

my camera is unavailable so no pics yet BUT

the pond is planted up and today i saw the first frog in there. he seemed a happy chappy indeed
ok guys and gals, here are some pics taken just this morning.



i am really chuffed with how things have turned out.
nothing has been added except plants.

there are now a whole load of pond skaters (including many babies!) various other bug type tings plus several toads living at the bottom of my garden

Nada to Ecosystem in a little over five months.
thats really weird. I was thinking bout this thread earlier today. I will take some pics over the weekend and post them.
Its really amazing how quickly am ecosystem develops. There are lots of waterboatmen, some dragonfly larvae and water snails. The marsh marigolds are flowering and all the other marginal and deepwater plants are doing really well. It has also become the local drinking hole for lots of cats and the occasional fox! The birds like bathing there too
Best of all are the frogs. Saw a pair shagging a coupla months ago and now the resultant frogspawn is a mass of tadpoles. They are developing markings and the tails are going froglets to follow in a week or two.

A very happy project
thats really weird. I was thinking bout this thread earlier today. I will take some pics over the weekend and post them.
Its really amazing how quickly am ecosystem develops. There are lots of waterboatmen, some dragonfly larvae and water snails. The marsh marigolds are flowering and all the other marginal and deepwater plants are doing really well. It has also become the local drinking hole for lots of cats and the occasional fox! The birds like bathing there too
Best of all are the frogs. Saw a pair shagging a coupla months ago and now the resultant frogspawn is a mass of tadpoles. They are developing markings and the tails are going froglets to follow in a week or two.

A very happy project

any chance i can camp out back in my hide for the day? :lol: cant find no frogs anywhere....
wow...what a development...i only had seen the very first picture of this thread when you just had finished it...and am looking at the latest pictures now :eek: - really, really nice!!! :D
very nice !

where did the frogs come from ?
did you put them in the pond or is there some water near your house
from where they invaded your pond ?

make some pictures of the fox drinking !