A Pond

thanx for the kind words kidz

no fish, like kang knows, this is a wildlife pond for the creatures of tufnell park to call their own. prob no waterfall as i don't want to disturb the delicate ecosystem!!

maybe the cricket pitch could , like a crazy golf course, have comedy hazards

yes morbyd that is a bbq, fancy nibbling on a sausage (grego?)

the lawn treatments are gonna have to wait. i might re-lay the whole damn thing in the autumn (copperband is the man for advice methinks)

yes FMI Bill would be proud of me

and oh, yes indeed gardening is the new raving.

i feel a rush coming on (and reeds too)
waterfall and/or a little beck are good for the "ecosystem",
because they deliver oxygen :idea:

The waterfalls are lovely but ours is driving me nuts. The sound of water trickling is supposed to be soothing but it's really getting on my nerves :eek:

I could spend hours just watching the frogs and all the little monsters in it :oops: :lol:
does it make you want to go
wee wee?

No, I just find it incredibly noisey when all I want to do it listen to the birds. I tell you, I'm not just hooked on this gardening malarky I'm down with the twitchers as well. I love FMI Bill Oddie 8) 8) The woodpeckers are now feeding the little 'uns in the tree at the end of the garden 8) and it's all I can do to drag myself away to work :lol:
lol russ.

i'll do some pics of my new flower bed/lawn tonight and post them for comment.:oops: :oops: :lol:

no really, i will.:lol:
the lawn treatments are gonna have to wait. i might re-lay the whole damn thing in the autumn (copperband is the man for advice methinks)

I've been so busy growing my grass that I haven't been on here for ages:rolleyes:

Looking nice that russ, you might want to steal some frogspawn from someone once it's that time to seed your pond. Buy some plants asap too so they can start drawing out some of the nutrients from the tap water that you used to fill it.If you don't you will have a giant dish of pea soup in your garden:eek:
the marginal plants have arrived and are gonna get planted later today by the lovely mrs russ

all native english plants, like ragged robin, water mint,spearwort and yellow flat. we are attempting to create a very natural environment.

the lillies and oxegenators are still to arrive, promised after the weekend. interestingly, copperband, i was expecting a green algae slime to appear due to the nitrates in the tap water but we have been spared that problem. the water is pretty clear.

already seen a robin drinking and a blackbird taking a bath this am.

more pics will follow

also: what's the best way to get rid of blackfly from broadbeans?

only for the headstrong eh?
I am loving this thread - tis true - having a garden to embrace nature and to have somewhere at the end of a crappy work day to get "chilled and relaxed" in is just the best ....:lol: :lol:

Planting Irises and putting a water butt in the garden this weekend are my plans along with debauchery...8) 8)
... i was expecting a green ... slime

don´t worry - the green slime will come,
but it takes a few more warm days ...


the marginal plants have arrived and are gonna get planted later today by the lovely mrs russ

all native english plants, like ragged robin, water mint,spearwort and yellow flat. we are attempting to create a very natural environment.

the lillies and oxegenators are still to arrive, promised after the weekend. interestingly, copperband, i was expecting a green algae slime to appear due to the nitrates in the tap water but we have been spared that problem. the water is pretty clear.

already seen a robin drinking and a blackbird taking a bath this am.

more pics will follow

also: what's the best way to get rid of blackfly from broadbeans?

only for the headstrong eh?

Maybe your water in Lodon is better but usually the Nitrate and Phosphate is sky high and a few days of continual sun brings the algae bloom and resulting pea soup!
Mt tapwater has to go through 5 different filters before I can use it in my Reeftank!

Regarding the blackfly and other gardens pests, this site is really good http://www.greengardener.co.uk/

I use the nemaslug which naturally controls the Slug population so you don't need to use pellets:)

ed, you dont have to tell me bout nemaslug. i am the worlds biggest fan of the stuff. we have used it for two years. it really does work. (not on blackfly thought!!!