A piece of great clubbing advice

K said:
kitten's head said:
Very true! But things that wouldn't normally upset me do. I know I have hardly any money but when I'm on a comedown it just gets to me even more and I start feeling really paranoid.

I know what you mean. When I’ve on a comedown I cry at the most
ridiculous things. I can go to the shop and get all tearful because I cant decide what flavour of crisps to buy.

LOL haha just go for salt and vinegar every time, ;) :D
Ibiza-girlie said:
Im sorry guys, but i think ITS COMPLETELY REDICULOUS to talk about drugs and the "right way to avoid comedowns" - well guess what!? you drugges yourself, now deal with the aftermath=amnesia, depression, illness, defect immune system to mention a few.

I might sound like a silly cow, and YES i KNOW that some of you might think that clubbing=drugging. Bit I dissagree totally, and I cant see why you have to discuss drugs in a forum like this.

There are parents and people here who - like me - dissaproves, and I simply think that you need to P.M eachother when it comes to this topic.

I don´t mean any harm, but I believe Stephen asked us to be sensible and mind what we put out here on these pages.....please be careful whatever you take or do when clubbing, i know quite a lot of people who ended up in psykiatric places after all that drugtaking, so this is why i dont appprove.

Tad harsh, Ibiza-Girlie.
We're not discussing what drugs to take,what we take, mearly thigs to take after a mad holiday or weekend of clubbing.

Even if you dont take drugs your body is not going to be in good shape after 36hours clubbing, no sleep and lots of dancing/physical activity. I'd reccomend taking vitamins/mental stimulants to anyone going out for prolonged clubbing sessions whether they take drugs or not.
Im sorry Kittens head...I really am, but Im just so sad to hear that people joke around with drugs and the comedowns....I know so many people who´ve crashed and burned on this....lost their jobs, life, sanity....money as well....
a friend of mine started taking exctasy and ended up in a phychiatric ward and required constant medical attention....this is so sad!

I just get bothered when I hear people talk about it as it´s nothing. Going home from Ibiza is more than enuff of a comedown for me ;)

Hope you dont think im attacking you people, i really like this spotlight and share my everyday life with great people like all of you - i just wish people would take the drug thing more serioisly, thats all :D
glasgow-chick said:
Wish there were pills you could take to combat the after-effects of alcohol over-indulgence!

salt (a spoonfull) & plenty of water does wonders! got the tip &
explanation from friends with degrees in chemistry; works for me
every time! :D

### jarle
Ibiza-Girlie, I am really sorry to hear about your friend.

I don't find drugs funny, especially tales like that but it is up to people what they do with their lives and likewise you are free to say what you think about them.

If we were talking about getting drunk or hangover cures there probably wouldn't be a problem but this is a far greater evil in the world than ecstasy.

I agree that, at Stephen and the other moderaters request we should steer off blatent drug subjects, but I think this one wasn't too bad.
salt and water is good whenever you feel exhausted for whatever reason!
Im sorry if I came on a bit harsh before - dont mean to be a morale queen of perfectionism! Me: i always get way too drunk and really dont take care soemtimes, so who am I to judge....right?

But salts, fruits and rest are the keywords!
Ibiza-girlie said:
Im sorry Kittens head...I really am, but Im just so sad to hear that people joke around with drugs and the comedowns....I know so many people who´ve crashed and burned on this....lost their jobs, life, sanity....money as well....
a friend of mine started taking exctasy and ended up in a phychiatric ward and required constant medical attention....this is so sad!

I just get bothered when I hear people talk about it as it´s nothing. Going home from Ibiza is more than enuff of a comedown for me ;)

Hope you dont think im attacking you people, i really like this spotlight and share my everyday life with great people like all of you - i just wish people would take the drug thing more serioisly, thats all :D

Does it look like we're joking around? It looks like a serious discussion to me. We do take it seriously hence discussig it here. The worst thing to do would be to not discuss it and everyone be clueless. The more people talk about it the more information is shared and this benefits the whole community.

Three friends of mine i've known all my life are dead in the last two years from drugs, i'm sure others have similair stories, we're not makng a joke of it i assure you.
Ibiza-girlie said:
Im sorry guys, but i think ITS COMPLETELY REDICULOUS to talk about drugs and the "right way to avoid comedowns" - well guess what!? you drugges yourself, now deal with the aftermath=amnesia, depression, illness, defect immune system to mention a few.

I might sound like a silly cow, and YES i KNOW that some of you might think that clubbing=drugging. Bit I dissagree totally, and I cant see why you have to discuss drugs in a forum like this.

There are parents and people here who - like me - dissaproves, and I simply think that you need to P.M eachother when it comes to this topic.

I don´t mean any harm, but I believe Stephen asked us to be sensible and mind what we put out here on these pages.....please be careful whatever you take or do when clubbing, i know quite a lot of people who ended up in psykiatric places after all that drugtaking, so this is why i dont appprove.

wasnt it you who was hungover this week and was looking for sympathy after taking a drug (alcohol) :?:
WHOA I really stated a debate, good!! Cuz we all have different views on drugs and I think - as you mentioned yourself - it´s very important to be aware of what to do in good/bad situations. Some people can easily handle a pill once a while whilst others really become estranged and distant mentally afterwards....

I know i cant be kidding myself into thinking that noone ever does drugs and YES i think its important to know what to do afterwards. I just simply think its a very difficult debate. if drugs werent taken there would be no need for comedown advice...but drugs DO exist...i just have a hard time accepting this...my drink was spiked once, went blackout for 5 hours and woke up in a blur the day after! could have killed whomever who did it!
i was about ready to crash and burn a few weeks or so a go! cos constant "you know what" can't be good for you!

but after a few weeks off i feel right as rain now!!!!
You dont need to take drugs to have a comedown !!! Thats what i'm saying, you have a 'comedown' even if you just drink, of course you do , who wouldnt feel rough and a bit messy after a long clubbing session as i mentioned in a previous post. Your body loses minerals,salts,energy, etc from dancing, physcal exeration whether you take drugs or not, hence the need to replace them with mineral/vitamin supplements.......
I think your missing the point ibiza-girlie
the topic is about 5-htp
this is an amino acid that can be bought in health shops
the drug problem only gets bigger if people DONT talk about it in a sensible way.
your friend who ended up in a physchiatric hospital because she took exctasy might have benfited from open sensible discussion about drugs.
The very fact that 5-htp could have prevented your friend from this trauma is a good reason for this topic
When you take extacy the brain's seratonin levels increase lots, when the effect of the drug wears off these then deplete to a level lower than normal and also the brain struggles to reproduce the nescasery seratonin.
This results in people feeling down and depressed.
By taking 5-htp it helps the brains natural ability to reproduce seratonin.
I would never advocate the promotion of drug taking ( including alcohol or nicotine ) but to not talk about these things sensibly and sweeping them under the carpet would be stupid.
This is what the government in the uk has done for years and the problem has only gotten worse.
The biggest health scare at the moment is not exctasy or any of the banned drugs it is the result of females drinking too much and trying to keep up with male counterparts.
The effects of this will be seen in years to come.
Education is key to the problem.
If you are going to use drugs don't abuse drugs.
well my simpel question might also simply be. WHY do them in the first place. I could never understand....I drink whenever i party, thats enuff for me....but im also a very sensitive person and IF i did drugs, Id probably come down really hard and feel very sick....

I just think it´s sad.....

And to someone else who asked me if i needed hangover advice - yeah i was feeling pretty sick yesterday; proving i dont need more than just some wine to have that effect some of you probably get drom taking whatever....alcohol and drugs are NOT the same!
I have to say I think that this is excellent advice - especially from a general health point of view (without even taking drugs into the equation).

Thanks everybody I will check this stuff out.....I had heard of it before (and I use a lot of health supplements etc) but never knew it could help out with seratonin etc.

Good stuff. Cheers.
That's why I'm pleased the government have decided to educate on drugs rather than just take the 'drugs are bad. ok?' approach. I quite like their new website, 'Frank.
yeah i totally agree...its not helping anyone just to have the correct morale opinion. there was an ibiza guide a few years ago that had helpful advice for drugusers....i just cant believe the world has come to the point where you are "educated" about it. a part of me understands, cuz no one takes it seriously - and still i fight my opinions on this issue!
Ibiza-girlie said:
well my simpel question might also simply be. WHY do them in the first place. I could never understand....I drink whenever i party, thats enuff for me....but im also a very sensitive person and IF i did drugs, Id probably come down really hard and feel very sick....

I just think it´s sad.....

And to someone else who asked me if i needed hangover advice - yeah i was feeling pretty sick yesterday; proving i dont need more than just some wine to have that effect some of you probably get drom taking whatever....alcohol and drugs are NOT the same!

Ok then. WHY do you feel the need to drink?