___ The Zoo Project 2010 ___

this poster doesn't say its the closing party, hopefully theres going to be 2 more after this one......lili marleen can you enlighten us??
New post at The Zoo Project Facebook...

Sarah Lewis
We have Zoo and Saturday Night Project Closing on the 18th, and The Zoo Project - Gala Night venue closing is on the 25th. We are now closed for Channel Zoo on Wednesdays.
Yesterday at 8:07pm

Seems official... 8)
GET IN THERE!!!!! i knew they would carry no! do you know if they will have noahs ark on the 25th?
Hell yeah! Any clue as to who will play the closings and also will there be a pre boat party? The second question probably a stupid one i guess there will be! :p
New post at The Zoo Project Facebook...

Sarah Lewis
We have Zoo and Saturday Night Project Closing on the 18th, and The Zoo Project - Gala Night venue closing is on the 25th. We are now closed for Channel Zoo on Wednesdays.
Yesterday at 8:07pm

Seems official... 8)

Never saw that one coming

Wouldn't be surprised if they did a Zoo Project closing closing closing the week after :lol:
they did the same last year, which was good cos we got there after the 'zoo closing party'!see you there on the 18th