Your most powerful Ibiza memory.

Cannot wait to put my own memories in here.

Cafe del mar sunset is going to be hard to beat for me. Ive dreamt of this moment all my life.
Sun rise on the beach in PDB with my new friends for life. That I met coming out of Space.:)

The sun rise is still have the music ringing in your ears from an hour before too. I prefer it to the sunset but ONLY JUST 8)
Always the same magic moment when after a very good night, going to Bossa beach just waiting for the sunrise...

When the sun is rising from the top of the hills on the left you can say "good its still the beginning of the season, great moments still to come"
When the sun is rising straight from the sea you think...sad its nearly the end of the season....

Magic Ibiza!!;)
I think I've got three or four that are the most powerful.

  • Hearing Ferry Corsten play Beautiful, We Belong and Made of Love in Cream @ Amnesia. Absolutely wrecked, on some island in the middle of nowhere, with one other friend. What an experince.
  • The waterfall and the lasers at Privilege for the Tiesto party. When the Tiesto bird started spinning on the waterfall, it was a case of 'what the **** is going on here'
  • Seeing Above & Beyond play in Ibiza, and them finished on Sun In Your Eyes, one of my favourite songs they've produced. Think it was at this point I realised just how in love I was with my ex. All change now though :lol:

  • Watching the sunset for the first time, with that feeling of excitement and anticipation for the night ahead.
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Without a doubt it was the moment i realised that Pizza Hut and KFC are joined together in Ibiza.Instead of getting fries with your chicken burger you can get a slice of pizza instead.Genius.Me and my friend ate in there every single day.
Any powerful memories this season? I'm not sure seeing Trevor#3 returning to the Trev-pack sans shoes and socks really cuts it, for me.
Damn. Why didn't you ask this question on Sunday? :(

Taking the children to the "Foam and Diamonds" party at Amnesia on Saturday night with Paris Hilton on the decks...I have absolutely no doubt this will be my abiding memory of 2015 :)
Damn. Why didn't you ask this question on Sunday? :(

Taking the children to the "Foam and Diamonds" party at Amnesia on Saturday night with Paris Hilton on the decks...I have absolutely no doubt this will be my abiding memory of 2015 :)

The kids were allowed in at night?
2011 - Being turned from a trance head to a tech head. Was in Amsterdam Bar when it was my first time on the island and didnt know what to do. Think it was a tuesday night. One of the lads that worked told me to go see richie hawtin it was carl cox night and hawtin was playing and so was jon rundell.

Man...that bass, lazers and drops that came and went on the loops got me addicted. Loved my techno ever since.
Plus i ALWAYS remember the first time i dropped a Volkswagon pill. Going over there and telling myself i was sticking to beer.

Well after plenty of it i decided to take one. Was in hush at the time...

We had judgement sundays that night at eden, i remember going to the toilet 5 minutes after i took it for a piss. 5 minutes later i was still trying...gave up then went down the stairs. Then BANG. Hot sweats, full of energy, lights seemed deep and everyone was smiling and talking to me. Never felt a rush like it.
I dont take anything now im a beer man it was very rare i take anything but we've all been there.
2012 - Being at space for Enter and having to be at the airport early morning only to leave when the sun came up. Emotional but nice.

2015 - TBC
First time I did VIP at Pacha for David Guetta. His mixing was spot on and tune selection something else, I was fairly tapping my feet whilst being fed grapes. Next thing we got a massive bottle of grey goose with a big sparkler on top and everyone looked. Doesn't get any better.
I love reading everyone else's memories. My favourite moments were when mum and dad took me for the first time around 1988 & I looked around Ibiza town thinking 'I'm gonna come back here when I'm a proper grown up'
The second best was this June lying on the top deck of the boat over to formentera, earphones in and suddenly bursting into tears. Only Because I Couldn't have felt any Happier at that moment.
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Not been to ibiza for a proper session yet . (Will be sept 27th)
But without being crass , stand out moment for me is staying at destino for the 2nd birthday party in June and having some quality time with the wife in the changing room beneath the stage while solomun is mixing dj heaven on the stage above.:spank::twisted::lol: