Who was your first national or international DJ?

Yeah good nights at Roller Express.

You used to get lost in Lazerdrome and it was so loud in there you could feel the vibrations rattling your chest and ribs! Of maybe that was just my skinny E body!

Yup, the mazy bit of it was always a good place to try and get mugged!:lol:

Camden Palace was home though. Funny, it was never the same once it went to be open later.....
Yup, the mazy bit of it was always a good place to try and get mugged!:lol:

Camden Palace was home though. Funny, it was never the same once it went to be open later.....

I know, was a scarey place at times. I remember when they decided they would sell booze and half glass bottles of champagne 8O! You can imagine the rest!

Very true mate. We used to go over the old cafe up the road after where the old fella used to have his little radio playing a pirate radio station. There would be about 500 people all just wanting a cup of tea and to sit there listen to his wireless! Chris Paul used to play then usual DMS, Squirrel, Randall etc etc. The days!!8)
Breakfast Club at Busbys underneath the Astoria after?

AWOL - yup, there were some 'characters' in there :lol:

Never went to Busby's, but had the flyer on my wall. :oops:

Used to love all the record shops about in those days too... Lucky Spin (full of wrongens) on Holloway Rd, Section 5 (full of public school kids) on Kings Rd, Unity on Beak St... perfect place to spend a Sat afternoon.

The basement of Black Market in D'arblay felt like a small club... packed with DJs/shoppers, wall shaking subs & the smell of weed across the air.

Carl Cox, Ellis Dee, Seduction & Greg Packer at Dance Planet, Plymouth Warehouse.
Hmm, the 1st that sticks in my mind was Sunrise 88, Jazzy M, Rampling & Paul Trouble Anderson, bit vague the memory though!
Went a few times to Shoom & Spectrum, but Nicky Holloway's Milk Bar stands out from round the same time!

Carl Cox, Ellis Dee, Seduction & Greg Packer at Dance Planet, Plymouth Warehouse.

Ellis Dee, he was a roller in his day!! 100 mile an hour every set! Got a few old tapes of his an all were wicked, then! Listen to some of the old tapes now and most are ruined by some pr@tt shouting nonsense down the microphone! Whistle posse blow??? Helmet!
Ellis Dee, he was a roller in his day!! 100 mile an hour every set! Got a few old tapes of his an all were wicked, then! Listen to some of the old tapes now and most are ruined by some pr@tt shouting nonsense down the microphone! Whistle posse blow??? Helmet!

You can buy entire nights from all the Fantazia events with the annoying MC stripped out tho. 8) (Jo Peng and Ribbz must be excluded from this conversation tho because I love them!)

Grooverider and Top Buzz were my faves from back then (very dark and lots of sirens and hoovers etc.)

I miss being a raver. :lol:

(Sy at Fantazia summertime - anyone got that? Amazing set and brilliant scratching too!)
You can buy entire nights from all the Fantazia events with the annoying MC stripped out tho. 8) (Jo Peng and Ribbz must be excluded from this conversation tho because I love them!)

Grooverider and Top Buzz were my faves from back then (very dark and lots of sirens and hoovers etc.)

I miss being a raver. :lol:

(Sy at Fantazia summertime - anyone got that? Amazing set and brilliant scratching too!)

Quality! Had a lot of time for Swan-E and Hype.
Had a few other times were went to electronic concerts with some big names but the one that made me ditch all other music and change everything I thought about music was Paul van Dyk around 2001 I believe. My gf and I at the time walked out of the venue and looked at each other and we were changed forever. Finally got what at the time I thought were lunatics were talking about when they would say they had such a goodtime dancing at EDM concerts. After that we never looked back. I know dance all the time and dont give a F*** what other people think.