What's the weather like at the moment?

Today was the first time I wore a pair of long legs trousers, last time it was April but I’m not putting my shorts away yet 😉
currently 4-6 degrees late afternoon here and you’ll see me in the shops wearing shorts and sliders :lol:
we've literally had one nice day (sunday) and then the rain came back. we're getting a lot of rain currently. it's not those crazy summer/september rainfalls where everything floods instantly, but rather it's persistent rainfalls for hours and hours with just quick breaks inbetween.

the only upside is once this storm has finally passed the campo will be absolutely breathtakingly green and beautiful. lots of plants have started blooming already and it'll just continue with so much water.
we've literally had one nice day (sunday) and then the rain came back. we're getting a lot of rain currently. it's not those crazy summer/september rainfalls where everything floods instantly, but rather it's persistent rainfalls for hours and hours with just quick breaks inbetween.
Sounds like Lancashire in the UK 😅
we've literally had one nice day (sunday) and then the rain came back. we're getting a lot of rain currently. it's not those crazy summer/september rainfalls where everything floods instantly, but rather it's persistent rainfalls for hours and hours with just quick breaks inbetween.

the only upside is once this storm has finally passed the campo will be absolutely breathtakingly green and beautiful. lots of plants have started blooming already and it'll just continue with so much water.

two weeks later and we're still caught in bad weather. wettest november I can remember myself. over in mallorca they've got record rain falls, the tramuntana mountain ridge hasn't seen so much rain in the last two decades (and the two fresh water basins up there are filled to the brim).

thanks to this rainy autumn, ibiza has received double the amount of rain compared to a 'normal' year. but needs also to be said that if you speak to people who have been living here for 30 years or more, most of them will tell you that 'back then' those rainy winters were actually normal and that it's basically the last 10 to maybe 20 years where we started to be having these mainly dry and mild winters. climate change I guess.

anyway, it does look like we're now finally heading out of this bad weather period, I hope by next week we get some stable weather for a while!

after the rainiest november of the last two decades and some crazy windy days last week (when we were just away), the sun is out in force now. am strolling along salinas beach in shorts & t-shirt and wading through the water as I type this.

forecast for the next week looks great too!


Everything closed ?

after the rainiest november of the last two decades and some crazy windy days last week (when we were just away), the sun is out in force now. am strolling along salinas beach in shorts & t-shirt and wading through the water as I type this.

forecast for the next week looks great too!

Sod. Off.

(in the nicest possible way, of course....)
UK next week - 100% sunshine for most of the UK with temps reaching 20c (way above normal).
Malaga - where I'm going next week - 0% sunshine, heavy rain throughout, thunderstorms, might reach 18c.
Funny how every time I book a holiday, the drought where I'm going ends.
Yesterday was lovely though! Was expecting the worst (relative as we left snow in the UK) and it was shorts and t's in the afternoon 😎

Dropped a bit when the sunset. There was definitely no need for the big jackets people were walking St Eularia prom in yesterday 😁😁😁

Hopefully you get a better April 🤞
Yesterday was lovely though! Was expecting the worst (relative as we left snow in the UK) and it was shorts and t's in the afternoon 😎

Dropped a bit when the sunset. There was definitely no need for the big jackets people were walking St Eularia prom in yesterday 😁😁😁

Hopefully you get a better April 🤞

you'll notice a change in temperatures this weekend. the wind which starts to blow will get the nighttime temps right down, that's why I told you to bring a jacket. I know it wasn't cold at all until now.