What's Good About Today?

just been for a piss and didnt shake properly afterwards so dribbled excessively onto my boxers......and now it feels all warm 8)
it gets better

just had a row in the office with my "boss" and used the line

"with the greatest respect...at the moment you are acting like a bit of a cock"

It gets worse for me... Jon broke his hand playing football last night and is now in a plaster cast for six weeks or so. Now I have to do double the amount of cooking/cleaning! GRRRR :(
Did you watch it tho?

Phil has it today - thinking of staying at work a couple of hours longer ....:spank:

nah didn't watch it...

back to the subject in hand, dunno if it's particulary good but birthday bhoy here today 21 again :oops::lol: gonna go out and get a litle tipsy tomorrow nite if my mummy allows me:lol:;)
nah didn't watch it...

back to the subject in hand, dunno if it's particulary good but birthday bhoy here today 21 again :oops::lol: gonna go out and get a litle tipsy tomorrow nite if my mummy allows me:lol:;)

Watch it - if only for the comedy value of Nick Frost....

Happy Birthday - get some medicinal whiskey down your neck - works wonders for me.... 8)8)
ah.. locks have been changed and staff issue resolved.

:arrow: = :D

even given up cigs now no one can get me stressed there!
Bad about today = quite stunning physical and financial hangover after late on last night

Good about today = got my table at the fat duck. Bish bash snail prorridge bosh indeed.
Totally farked my back at the weekend :(

Missed flight this morning so sat waiting to go to the chiropractor....