What's everyone most looking forward to this summer???

summer is shaping up nicely:

-Friendly Fires Gig this Thursday
-Spain camping for a week in June
-Kings of Leon in Hyde Park followed by Wimbledon tennis the next day
-V Festival - which despite the line up being mosyly ****e, am looking forward to cos a boss group of people are in attendance
-Ibiza early September for a week

Jel of Kings of Leon, seen them a few times, they are awesome 8)
Jel of Kings of Leon, seen them a few times, they are awesome 8)

i've actually never seen them, despite liking them for years. The GF is a big big fan and has seen them a million times.

also - in addition to list of good stiff for summer...

-seeing Rob and Dan play on this boat party!
Body&soul festival co.meath weekend 18th june..lamb,nicolas jaar,the field,plaid and the brilliant brandt brauer frick.. gona try get over to london for notting hill carnival and ibiza 5-12 oct...
> barcelona 15-22 June

been looking for a UK festie but not finding anything at all - somewhere chilled by day and HOUSE by night - basically something like the electric elephant but closer to home would be ideal
that Beat Herder festival is worth checkin out olly its on in july always a great line-up.we went last year had a great time.
i've actually never seen them, despite liking them for years. The GF is a big big fan and has seen them a million times.

also - in addition to list of good stiff for summer...

-seeing Rob and Dan play on this boat party!

You will love, hope you get nice weather too!
Sorry if this sounds dumb but how can you do a pregnancy test wrong!?

Good question. You very rarely get a false positive. From some research, the most likely scenario is not following the instructions properly and reading the result outwith the recommended time window.
So much to look forward to.....

SHM at Alexandra Palace
Long weekend in Seville and another in Amsterdam
Hopefully Thailand at Christmas
But mostly stepping out the airport in Ibiza with a tight excited feeling in my stomach that lasts for the entire 7 days and realising that no matter how excited I get about all my plans I am never disappointed and my expectations are always exceeded!! Life is good8)

I think I am in the wrong line of work! Any jobs going in your place? :D

I am looking forwards to trying the Space / DC10 / Cocoon combo again, going to do it right at the start of the holiday so I can actually survive it! :eek:
:eek::eek::lol::lol::?:?:(:( @ the pregnancy stories!

I've got concerts galore coming up this summer: Chemical Brothers, Moby, Sting w/ orchestra, Seal, Gogol Bordello, Erasure, Filter, Duran Duran and Empire of the Sun
(just picked up all my tickets last weekend)

And a bit of travel: Venice booked for first week of June, Ibiza for Sept 17-27.

And I look forward to spending time riding my new bicycle :)
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:eek::eek::lol::lol::?:?:(:( @ the pregnancy stories!

I've got concerts galore coming up this summer: Chemical Brothers, Moby, Sting w/ orchestra, Seal, Gogol Bordello, Erasure, Filter
(just picked up all my tickets last weekend)

And a bit of travel: Venice booked for first week of June, Ibiza for Sept 17-27.

And I look forward to spending time riding my new bicycle :)

I saw Sting w/Orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall. (It was a freebie!:lol:) Worth for the sheer wonder of how seriously he takes himself:lol:
Have i replied, no harm in listing this out tho!

Amsterdam in a few weeks

Bilbao a couple of weeks later

Morzine a few weeks after that

Devon a month later

Seriously considering Ibiza late July/Early aug, possibly just for a Space/DC10 session.

Arcade Fire Live

Lots of mountain biking.

Mint club in leeds in a couple of weeks8)
I saw Sting w/Orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall. (It was a freebie!:lol:) Worth for the sheer wonder of how seriously he takes himself:lol:
Exactly :lol:

I sent my mates a list of about 20 shows we could go to this summer and that's the one that everyone wanted to see :confused: My friends are old :lol:

(as long as he does some Police tunes, I'll be happy...)
ooooooooooooooooooooo where you going where you going ?! :D Loved it there, you will have a fantastic time - FACT :D

going to Punta Cana/bavaro ...been to the Dom Rep before but was over at the puerta plata end....had a fantastic time and expecting the same again... chilled peaceful 2 weeks in an all-inc resort is just what the Doc ordered 8)