What is the weirdest thing you've had in your mouth?

ants (these nasty ants in indonesia had bums that tasted like lemon sherbert when you bit them off)

a goldfish (a dare when I was younger :lol: (please animal rights people don't shout at me))

steak tartare is pretty weird but nice


I chewed up a tequila worm once :( yuk!
Conch. It has the consitency and taste of the lumps of goo you get in the back of your throat when you have a cold :x
Morbyd said:
Dog soup. Tasted like beef :confused:
(hope Puppylover isn't around!)


I wont eat anything inhumane... I could never ever eat anything like dog, horse, rabbit, duck etc!! I'm just not curious to taste any of them meats :eek:
Beckiboo said:

I wont eat anything inhumane... I could never ever eat anything like dog, horse, rabbit, duck etc!! I'm just not curious to taste any of them meats :eek:
Why inhumane? We eat other animals (well, people do, aside from vegetarians). We've created an entirely artificial barrier in our minds as to which animals are edible and which aren't. Moreover, that barrier varies from culture to culture.

Koreans eat dog. I had it at a Korean restaurant.

French, Central Asians, others eat horse. I personally love kazy (a Central Asian hourse sausage).

I've also had camel (in Kazakhstan), ostrich (in Prague and made it at home), rabbit and squirrel (in the deep South in the US)....

and duck is delicious, especially like the Chinese do it but also a nice duck breast with a fruity sauce. mmm.
Beckiboo said:

I wont eat anything inhumane... I could never ever eat anything like dog, horse, rabbit, duck etc!! I'm just not curious to taste any of them meats :eek:

you probably have inadvertently eaten all 4!!!

duck & rabbit??

lovley :D
Tried aligator when we went to the Everglades. Tasted OK - a bit like chicken!
hmnn.. when i went on my first staff trip with my work in Japan... we went to a town with a specialty of horse sashimi... and that was all we ate!! when they offered raw chicken... it tasted exactly what you think it woudl taste like

I've probably had dog when in korea, just didnt' know it.. had camel, kangaroo, fish still alive, deer, moose, squirrel... but nothing too odd.

it all depends on the culture of where the food is... just because its not acceptable in some places to eat dog doesn't mean its wrong.. don't eat if you don't want to.
utagaura said:
I've probably had dog when in korea, just didnt' know it.. had camel, kangaroo, fish still alive, deer, moose, squirrel... but nothing too odd.
Oh ya, I forgot deer and reindeer, the latter of which is quite good when prepared properly.

How was moose? very different from buffalo?
Beckiboo said:

Please don't think I'm jumping down your throat Bec. ;) :lol:

(got to nurture neighbour relations in the run up to June after all...can you imagine if we all arrived feuding and had a mardi across the corridor! :lol:)

...but how is eating a horse, dog or other 'domestic' animal inhumane, but eating a piglet or a cow is fine?

Or am I getting the wrong end of the stick and that's not what you were suggesting? :confused: