What is it with girls???

Women = Snakes with tits :lol: doesn't someone on here have that as a signature, wouldn't be far off the truth:lol:
By the way Emma when are all those Essex girls coming to Dublin for a weekend and whereabouts will they all be (well Temple Bar more than likely) so i can tell all my mates to offer up a big cead mile failte :twisted::lol:
OMG, what is she, 9 years old? :lol: Sounds like you are spending a ton of time together already, surely if she really is your friend she would be encouraging you to do what you want and need...

Strikes me, looking at it from the wisdom of my old age :), that it might be time to move on to some new, slightly less needy, friends... I have had to do that a few times over the years, as I realised life is very short and I only wanted to spend precious leisure time with people that really rock my world...

Is quite hard to do, but so much better than sticking with toxic mates because it is too scary to change things !
Strikes me, looking at it from the wisdom of my old age :), that it might be time to move on to some new, slightly less needy, friends... I have had to do that a few times over the years, as I realised life is very short and I only wanted to spend precious leisure time with people that really rock my world...

Is quite hard to do, but so much better than sticking with toxic mates because it is too scary to change things !

what he said too. Tis very good advice. go hang with people who demand nowt from ya who enjoy ya company, and who like to do stuff other than the same old ****e, just a diff location! ;)
OMG, what is she, 9 years old? :lol: Sounds like you are spending a ton of time together already, surely if she really is your friend she would be encouraging you to do what you want and need...

Strikes me, looking at it from the wisdom of my old age :), that it might be time to move on to some new, slightly less needy, friends... I have had to do that a few times over the years, as I realised life is very short and I only wanted to spend precious leisure time with people that really rock my world...

Is quite hard to do, but so much better than sticking with toxic mates because it is too scary to change things !

This has crossed my mind from time to time, like I really am better off without her sometimes as she is never happy for me yet I always take an interest in her personal life (which is more up and down then a see saw) but when it comes to the crunch can I do it?

Its like we have had so many fun times together and we have a lot of the same friends, it would be a shame to fall out forever, surely?!?!

I need to grow some balls I think. Well maybe not to that extreme but you get my drift..........
Old friends can be testing at times, especially when new partners arrive on the scene.

Why not tell her how important she is to you, but explain that your fella is important to you too and you really need her to understand that at times you want to be with him.

It may also be useful to share some minor negatives, such as "he likes Scooter" or something, women like to know that no one is perfect :lol:.

but more importantly it sounds like she's craving the attention from you that she isn't getting from her fella, so don't be too harsh, you'll still be friends in years to come, but don't, whatever you do, let her make you feel guilty about how well your relationship is going. And be firm. She'll probably ignore you for a fortnight then ring you out of the blue once she's got it out of her system.

:lol: every one has a right to be happy, don't let her silliness stop you.
Your friend probably relies on your company and friendship quite a lot a fears being lonely should you dedicate all of your time to him. That or she has a crush on you herself. The latter theory is less plausible but not without potential merits for the boyf... men!
Emma, has this been sorted yet?

We all make friends, but we all make some friends that need loosing.

Her bf is going to Thailand with his mates for 2 weeks when it's her birthday?? Now, that would have alarm bells ringing in my head. Has she mentioned it? I knew some guys who used to go there and lets have no doubt about what they were doing..

I bet Jonny is looking forward to the 8th..
