What is it with girls???

1. he wont go away with her.
2. she moans to you about him

print this out and shove it in her face :lol:


in my opinion... u lose a friend, u lose them forever! lose a boyfriend there is always another!!

i personally think shes found it hard now that ur in a relationship, as she probably isnt in a proper one herself- so that could be jealousy on her part. also are u having just u n her time, or is the boyfriends always there?? cos maybe thats what is pissing her off, the fact that you's had planned a wee girlie thing together, and now ur saying ur boyfriends going. and theres nothing worse when u planned to have time with ur friend n then turns round n says the boyf is going too!! i think maybe u should have a wee chat with her, cos she probably aint happy with her own situation with her boyfriend and could possibly be taking it out on u cos ur all happy, n shes feeling sorry for herself!!!!

i do apologise if it doesnt make sense!! iv had a long day!! lol hope it gets sorted out xxx
in my opinion... u lose a friend, u lose them forever! lose a boyfriend there is always another!!

i personally think shes found it hard now that ur in a relationship, as she probably isnt in a proper one herself- so that could be jealousy on her part. also are u having just u n her time, or is the boyfriends always there?? cos maybe thats what is pissing her off, the fact that you's had planned a wee girlie thing together, and now ur saying ur boyfriends going. and theres nothing worse when u planned to have time with ur friend n then turns round n says the boyf is going too!! i think maybe u should have a wee chat with her, cos she probably aint happy with her own situation with her boyfriend and could possibly be taking it out on u cos ur all happy, n shes feeling sorry for herself!!!!

i do apologise if it doesnt make sense!! iv had a long day!! lol hope it gets sorted out xxx

I always spend time with her. But she flits from one group of friends to the next at times so shes not always around.

We are going to Reading the weekend after with her boyfriend so I really didnt see it would be a problem.
We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful..

The above song by Morissey is so true to life. Some people cannot stand it when you're happy. They would like you to be miserable that way they can "comfort" you and in a way feel better about themselves. Kinda sick but that's the way it goes. Misery loves company...

My suggestion...get a more positive friend. Good luck!
More trouble in paradise

Yes me again, same situation with THAT friend.

I just cant understand why people have to make things sooo difficult.

Basically our bdays are 3 days within each other. Hers is Friday mine is Monday so we both have Friday and Monday off.

The Monday before the Friday we have off (keep with me) we have decided to take a duvet day and spent it at her fellas - basically he is going away for 2 weeks to Thailand with his mates and misses her bday so he has given in and let her have the keys. But yes so we have that day off together.

The Friday is her bday so we are going out for the day, lunch, drinks etc, then the Saturday all of the girls are off to Dublin on an all nighter, the Sunday probably be KOed as coming back from Dublin then the Monday is my bday and we are both off again.

She has got all shirty with me because apparantly I promised we would go to Harrods for tea on my bday but today I said to her well I might be spending Monday with my other half as otherwise I wont see him for the entire of my birthday weekend and I dont think he is going to be happy with that.

Why oh why are people so pathetic? Are some people just never happy? :spank:

I feel like I cant win honestly.

Friend is annoyed that I am not around all weekend to spend with her.

Boyfriend is annoyed as he wanted to do a surprise for me that weekend but I am now going to Dublin.

Why oh why are people so pathetic? Are some people just never happy? :spank:

I feel like I cant win honestly.

Friend is annoyed that I am not around all weekend to spend with her.

Boyfriend is annoyed as he wanted to do a surprise for me that weekend but I am now going to Dublin.


your mate is basically being an immature madam.

it's your life, and your birthday. you do what YOU wanna do!
seems to me she wants attention 24/7.

if she wanted to spend time with ya, maybe you shoulda arranged something where u do your thing on one day, she does hers, and have a joint thingie inbetween.

other than that, travel back in time and ask your mum to give birth a week later, just for your friends benefit!

your mate is basically being an immature madam.

it's your life, and your birthday. you do what YOU wanna do!
seems to me she wants attention 24/7.

if she wanted to spend time with ya, maybe you shoulda arranged something where u do your thing on one day, she does hers, and have a joint thingie inbetween.

other than that, travel back in time and ask your mum to give birth a week later, just for your friends benefit!


Its only because her own boyfriend is away for 2 weeks and misses everything.

I really have lost patience with the thing.
Its only because her own boyfriend is away for 2 weeks and misses everything.

I really have lost patience with the thing.

well who's fault is it for having a bf who ****s off on her birthday!

aint like her b/day falls on different days every year is it!

Sack him and get a new one, otherwise she'll be bloody miserable for the rest of her life!