What is it with girls???

is your boyfriend always out with you or do you have some time with your mate alone

I see him a couple of times a week and always put my friends first. So if she said to me lets go out Sat, I would.

So yes we do get time alone, she just goes off on silent ones like she is doing now and you get nothing out of her.
I see him a couple of times a week and always put my friends first. So if she said to me lets go out Sat, I would.

So yes we do get time alone, she just goes off on silent ones like she is doing now and you get nothing out of her.

Essentially, some people can be very insecure, and act in an overprotective manor because they can't stand feeling like they're losing somthing they rely on for support. The fact that your friend is in this useless relationship even though it isn't what she wants, shows how desperate she is to feel wanted. It's very sad & I see it in my peer group all the time. Another common one is the needy girls who need constant reassurance and molly-codling through insecurity. Their BFs always cheat on them savagely, and I bet your friend's BF is too from the sound of things. If you won't go on holiday with a partner after a year it isn't a serious relationship. It sounds like your friends are a miserable bunch of bitches exercising a real playground mentality of ganging up on you as you've got something and they're jealous. I know this sounds harsh, but that's not the foundation of a sincere life-long friendship, and if you're onto a good thing with your new BF and they can't hack it then it's their issue and they aren't good friends. I've had loads of mates fall by the wayside since my teens, usually because of a difference of moral viewpoint, at the end of the day if someone acts like that then you don't need that in your life. Anyway, rant over.

This sounds very true. She often has a moan about their relationship at least once a month or they are close to breaking point but its always her who picks up the pieces.
We are always there for her and try to help even though one of my other friends is close to giving her some home truths.

I think what bugs me is now she will be silent all week all because I have said does she mind if my bf and his mate camp with us at V.....I guess she is probably thinking its our thing and I am ruining it by bringing him but the week after we are going to Reading and her bf will be there so I really dont see why it matters??

Its just so annoying because we are all meant to be out on Sat night for a girls night out and now she isnt saying a word to me. Its pathetic. Yet if I bring it up I will look like I have a problem.

Definately have a talk with her, you'll have done the right thing on your part.

If she can't deal with it then she's not worth your time. After all, those are her issues, not yours.

You'll find out either way at least, and disillusionment isn't always a bad thing.
she was considering it? the boy has nearly cracked her. i take my hat off to him.