What happens when you put someone on your ignore list

No. I asked my parents to pray for me.


in the past I used to get mildly put out when cliques ganged up against me on messageboards, when forums were still in their embryonic form, but you soon put things into perspective. Real life is usually on hand to do that for you.
I quite like being ganged up on, it gives me more to think about and nourishes my neurons. I don't get people who like to agree with everyone - sometimes I will say the sky is pink just to spark a debate and I will always try to win however ridiculous it is
the kinds of people who 'don't like to rock the boat' on forums tend to fall into 3 groups

1. the ones who are too thick to have opinions
2. the ones who at work need to be diplomatic and therefore reflect that mindset on the forum
3. the ones who don't want to upset anyone or 'tread on any toes' because they think they might need a 'favour' in the future
the kinds of people who enjoy stirring things up on forums tend to be

1. people who are really bored at work
2. people who get a kick out of being mischievous in life generally
3. people who really don't take forums very seriously and feel liberated by their online anonymity to say whatever the fk they like
4. all of the above
I am number 2 in the second list. The difference with being mischevious in life is that people 'get' you.

In my view the poeple that are most pathetic are those that have nothing to do with a particular debate and suddenly appear from nowhere (always as part of the larger side of the debate) to have a dig.
In my view the poeple that are most pathetic are those that have nothing to do with a particular debate and suddenly appear from nowhere (always as part of the larger side of the debate) to have a dig.

there's never any shortage of hit'n'run keyboard snipers on forums - you have to wonder where they all go in the meantime, are they all sat there in lurk mode, just waiting to pounce?
I like to see other opinions even if there wrong or misguided. I can respect someone who stands on their principles but not sheeple.