What happens when you put someone on your ignore list

so hands up who spent the last 3 hours nervously checking old posts to see how many non-replies they got?
This might require a level of concern that's difficult to muster...

the voice of reason (and I obviously concur!)


certain posters have a very intense relationship with the forum - esp the ones who feel obliged to have the last word in each thread or who feel that they 'chair' the thread because they started it. Then there's the ones who harbour grievances, who will remember quotes of yours from 2 years previously and in extreme cases the ones who vanish into the night in a fit of pique. Psychologically, I think forums are fascinating places - have there been academic studies into this? I think it's the psycho-drama of the forum which in large part has kept me returning to them over the last few years. The use/misuse of emoticons is also quite interesting because those icons surely represent entirely different moods to different people and I would be interested to know how many people have subconsciously built up a false impression of someone else purely on the back of which emoticons are used
Psychologically, I think forums are fascinating places - have there been academic studies into this? I think it's the psycho-drama of the forum which in large part has kept me returning to them over the last few years. The use/misuse of emoticons is also quite interesting because those icons surely represent entirely different moods to different people and I would be interested to know how many people have subconsciously built up a false impression of someone else purely on the back of which emoticons are used
I've thought about this myself.

This is the first and only forum I've posted on regularly, and it was quite an education in pack mentality in the early years. Strangely enough, I think I've actually derived a modicum of personal growth from those interactions (assuming, of course, that real life interactions, work, environment, etc. have had substantial influences on my psyche over that same period).

It's different but also similar to the BBSes we had back in the 1980s. I met one of my closest friends at the time on one of those... lived just down the road though, not halfway around the world!

Not trying to personalize it (as I often do :lol:) but this experience has made me wonder about just what you've written above and beyond that. The whole psychology of it, but also the sociological impact.

I fear that I've gone off on a tangent...
When i were a lad if we had none of this tagging and ignore business, we just slogged it out and/or kissed and made up.

I can sense the start of "Spotlight Wars II"...

*Unlocks gun cabinet and calls Buckley*
