What do you all look like?

Gawd damn, theres some mint chickys on this forum.. I wanna get jiggy with the brunettes. I'd post a picture of me, but, I only have pics of me working where I didnt know they were being taken and its embarassing. How ever, if you imagine a monkey with downsyndrome.. Voula :D
Hibbo said:
Ibiza last year, me in green with stota, no sleep in 2 days
Note:ignore ridiculous 'Capones' visor im wearing


Hibbo, you have scarily large hands disproportionate from your body! Your like Dave Grohl in the Foo Fighters everlong video... :D
PachaGirl79 said:
kitty said:
Barbie said:
Greery said:
I definately wasnt your boss, and I wasnt pretending to be on the decks! :D I do post on here sometimes, prefer to just read though, Ill try to start posting a bit more :)

Yes please post more, we need more fit boys on here :lol: ;)

Here,here! :lol:

Purrrrrrr, Greery is my new crush. Sorry Nitefly, I'm cheating on you and your delicious dimples ;)

i'm sure my hair color will change by the time i get there

but this is what i look like at work...



and after four hours of hard partying (with several more hours to go) at clubs...(I'm on the right)

my the temperatures are rising on this thread!

i gotta say im liking addict, but definately better as a brunette :)
Kitty - you and DJFrost don't look entirely unlike each other. Never seen you at the same time either :?: :p
kitty said:
LOL except the fact she has blonde hair and lives in the states :lol:

Why would her living in the States stop you from looking like her? Unless you believe I really think you are her and pointing out the obvious reason I haven't seen you at the same time? :lol:

Or is this a clever double bluff? :lol:
Re: i'm sure my hair color will change by the time i get the

djfrostcali said:
but this is what i look like at work...



and after four hours of hard partying (with several more hours to go) at clubs...(I'm on the right)


Holaaaaaa! ;) Old are you and what you work with?
Buckley said:
Kitty - you and DJFrost don't look entirely unlike each other. Never seen you at the same time either :?: :p

You got a point!



Kitty: can you please pull a smile like that too? :D
PachaGirl79 said:
kitty said:
Barbie said:
Greery said:
I definately wasnt your boss, and I wasnt pretending to be on the decks! :D I do post on here sometimes, prefer to just read though, Ill try to start posting a bit more :)

Yes please post more, we need more fit boys on here :lol: ;)

Here,here! :lol:

Purrrrrrr, Greery is my new crush. Sorry Nitefly, I'm cheating on you and your delicious dimples ;)


Aaaww, poor hun. No worries, you're still my #1, Greery never posts here anyways... :rolleyes: :p

Um yeah addict... you look gorgeous as a brunette!!
super dark

kitty said:
love your hair djfrost!

did it used to be dark?

wish i could go that light but my hairs too dark :rolleyes:

my hair is pretty damn dark...i bleach the crap out of it. i sent you a pm to tell you what i do. but, while we're playing the hair game, here are two more colors...me being goofy (i call it my "blue steel" look from zoolander) with black hair and i've had fire-engine red hair...but don't have online pic of that.

-karie :)
