Weekend rundowns

Pls tell me thats the clip where he sings Mustang Sally.................:lol:

(cant view you tube at work my computer has no volume control)

No, its the scen at the carphone wharehouse with Merchant, barry and Dean gaffney, where they dance to the ringtones. :lol:

the funniest (saddest) part of that is that he actually plays himself (i.e. a sh!t actor looking for anything and out of the game). marchant even calls him barry. :lol::lol::lol:

I love it when people/actors arent so vain that they can take the pi$$ out of themselves. Merchant and Barry work so well together in Extras, id go so far as to say they have most of the best scenes. I also thought Kate Winslet was hillarious :lol: her holocaust oscar scene and the sexual gestures scene were great.
No, its the scen at the carphone wharehouse with Merchant, barry and Dean gaffney, where they dance to the ringtones. :lol:

I love it when people/actors arent so vain that they can take the pi$$ out of themselves. Merchant and Barry work so well together in Extras, id go so far as to say they have most of the best scenes. I also thought Kate Winslet was hillarious :lol: her holocaust oscar scene and the sexual gestures scene were great.

Check this out - hidden extra on the DVD - Barry and Merchant dancing!

Friday - went over the Brentwood centre to watch the boxing.

Saturday - Entertained the kids. Can't remember. Watched Total Wipeout. I so need a big house to have that course in the garden.

Sunday - Booked a trip to Dallas for the Pacquaio Clottey fight in March.

Monday - off work. Paid bills and took my little girl to her trampoline class!
What exactly is a trampoline class? In my day, we just jumped up and down on the things :lol: ;)

Funnily enough you should have seen how the instructor was getting the hump with Jessica trying to get her to jump and stop when told and only jump on the yellow spot in the middle!

Jessica was just jumping right to left, backwards and forwards like the crazy frog and screaming 'daddy look at me' taking no notice of the woman. Quality.

Jessica is 2 (3 next week) like she is going to stop bouncing because she was told to. Jesus i'm 36 and if was on there I woudn't stop because some woman told me to!:lol:
My weekend was rather interesting, it was one of those where you have plans in place for a semi-sensible one and it all goes Pete Tong :lol:

Friday: Cozy night in with the hubby, bottle of wine and some lovely hair stroking - bliss!

Saturday: Booked Ibiza - Yay! on the evening we popped out for a quiet drink, bumped into some friends in the local - oh dear :spank:

Sunday: Still up at 7.30am and absolutley embarrasingly drunk as a skunk (still getting flashbacks) went to bed for a couple of hours and dragged my sorry (still drunk) ass out of bed. Tried to console the pain with an all you can eat chinese buffet style thing, hands shaking all over the place and everything :oops:. Then if things wasnt bad enough i had to get the train down to London with my boss to London for an early Monday morning conference :spank:.

I wont be doing that again! :lol: