Weekend rundowns

exactly my point.

people dont ask someone for anything just because they are black.

That one always reminds me of Ali G " is it coz I is black".

The way he exposed people for their narrow minded, bigoted viewpoints was just pure class.............
it may be changing now but until recently, you would always get 4/5 black people in house clubs, of whom 2 will be guaranteed to be serving up. This is fact. Random punters picking them out would do so as much on intuition as on racial grounds, because the guys at herbal, 54, the royal oak early morning parties used to be as discreet as an elephant in a swimming pool.
it may be changing now but until recently, you would always get 4/5 black people in house clubs, of whom 2 will be guaranteed to be serving up. This is fact. Random punters picking them out would do so as much on intuition as on racial grounds

Sorry... I should have made it clear at the start and then perhaps we could have avoided this discussion :lol: It does happen, but I don't think it's a racist thing. It's what Olly said.
Robder, not sure why you always seem apologetic when you say you had a good night at MoS :lol:
It's rare i have a bad night there when the Gallery is on

Where has the DJ booth been moved to in Bar? I saw they've done another revamp of the club.
it may be changing now but until recently, you would always get 4/5 black people in house clubs, of whom 2 will be guaranteed to be serving up. This is fact. Random punters picking them out would do so as much on intuition as on racial grounds, because the guys at herbal, 54, the royal oak early morning parties used to be as discreet as an elephant in a swimming pool.

Back in the day [insert Babs/Morbs definition argument here], every second person was selling. You'd just pick the most battered person you could find because their's definitely worked!:lol:
Robder, not sure why you always seem apologetic when you say you had a good night at MoS :lol:
It's rare i have a bad night there when the Gallery is on

Where has the DJ booth been moved to in Bar? I saw they've done another revamp of the club.

I'm not sure, I might stop apologising now as in my view it's still the best dance floor in London. 8) (:oops:)

As vomitous as the brand has become through it's compilation arm, I still have a fondness for it and the venue is such an institution that I can't imagine London without it.

I suppose it's an easy target for snobbery and a victim of its own success.

...and if you do a forum search I'm not sure how many times I've gone off on one about this subject. :lol:

I guess it's because all my friends really hate the place and very often I'm the only person who wants to go there...and with my extensive clubbing credentials it makes me a wee bit defensive when people don't view my tastes as discerning.

So - there I said it, it's a pride thing. :lol:
Where has the DJ booth been moved to in Bar? I saw they've done another revamp of the club.

Oh and yes, when did this refurb happen?

Normally I'd be quite protective of dear old Ministry but the bar area is a million times better now...much less a corridor and more of a club. 8)

They've shifted it to the far end of the bar (on the baby box side) and it just makes logical sense now.

They've also shifted the VIP area back to its original position and the far upstairs room which used to have a big fancy chandelier has been chopped up beyond recognition. The green box with the view over the dancefloor has gone (no idea where) and the design is really generic and booooring.
Everyone on the underground has ripped the piss out of Ministry for years, to the point where it is now considered only a few rungs up from the hippodrome on the naffometer but in fairness, they do occasionally put on some good nights eg hi tek soul and the night robder described is certainly not bad. But ultimately I prefer these days to go clubbing in a small community of like-minded souls in raw venues with equally stunning soundsystems not amidst random tourists who only read about it in the easyjet inflight mag, and most nights at Ministry do sadly cater for that crowd. I could spend hours on here slating it but my views are already well-documented on this..
...to add though - nights don't get any smaller and community driven than the Mancuso Loft parties and Soul Heaven was easily as good as these.

(Tho I think we're probably agreeing on this point anyway so not sure why the retort. :lol:)
Friday I had dinner with an old work colleague at Wagamamas near Tower Bridge, good food & good company

Saturday woke up with the worst sore throat ever out of nowhere, felt like I had swallowed razor blades, anyway went off for a full body scrub/massage thanks to a voucher a friend got me for my b.day, was lovely and relaxing, I really wanted to use it to switch off as I have been stressed lately but still found I couldnt switch off completely :? Had lunch with bf and some friends then spent the rest of the afternoon/eve on the couch as started to feel even wosre :(

Sunday felt slightly better so did some food shopping, lunch with the folks then back on the sofa for more TV :p

That's from the original The Office, right? Must download that series... much funnier than the American one!

I absolutely love the British one, one of my fave progs EVER. Got back into Extras this weekend too.....funny but not so good as The Office.

I do have to say thought that I think they did the American one really well, as well as they could have done with the characters and the wackiness of it all.

That's from the original The Office, right? Must download that series... much funnier than the American one!

Much much funnier. I remember stumbling across the first series by accident, it was the 2nd or 3rd episode and i was channel flicking. I thought it was another fly on the wall documentary, then I was thinking this cant be real. Very clever and original. Buy the series one and two box set, you will also need the christmas specials ;)

That's from the original The Office, right? Must download that series... much funnier than the American one!

Is there an American version of the 'it can't be racist if he's {cocks thumb at black guy} not offended' scene?:p
i watch the office every 6 months or so......it is probably the only tv programme that makes me laugh from start to finish, even when nothing funny is happening.

absolute genius.

extras similarly but not in the same league as the office, although stephen marchant's character as the agent is just hilarious.
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