Weekend Reports

, have given up smoking da weed after 29 years and my sleep pattern is screwed massively with mega mad dreams for the past week, :confused:

Always intrigues me how people are effected with this, esp when it comes to sleep. Alot of people use it to sleep...

I have had 2 exs on it...one was reliant on it to sleep but it never affected his moods or anything...

my last bf - jesus christ, i had to end it with him because his moods were shocking and he would have the worst attitude towards me and that was down to the smoking, i know this because his mum told me after we split that he stopped smoking it when we first got together, then when he got comfortable he was back smoking it :rolleyes: ruined what i thought would of been the one, oh well
Drugs can do that.

And yes Johnny, they do tend to lighten the wallet. But sites like POF seem to have a lot of fake people (or people who never reply, anyway!)
Always intrigues me how people are effected with this, esp when it comes to sleep. Alot of people use it to sleep...

I have had 2 exs on it...one was reliant on it to sleep but it never affected his moods or anything...

my last bf - jesus christ, i had to end it with him because his moods were shocking and he would have the worst attitude towards me and that was down to the smoking, i know this because his mum told me after we split that he stopped smoking it when we first got together, then when he got comfortable he was back smoking it :rolleyes: ruined what i thought would of been the one, oh well

I have always been fine with it - never had any problems, whereby its affecting relationships/work or anything like that - I think when you have smoked that long and its a constant - you function really well. I do most of my best thinking and planning for work and any aspect of my life whilst on a mellow tip, but depending on the strength of what your smoking, it can take a good while to get it out of your system. To be totally honest with you, I dont feel any better, any more alert after giving it up so far, apart from waking up earlier, and not getting to sleep for a good while and having the weirdest dreams ever, but time will tell I suppose (I do think the getting up earlier is because of the lighter mornings as well)

Not sure I have given it up forever, its more of an experiment at the moment as everything else I used to partake in has fallen by the wayside over the past year, so thought might as well try this as well....8)
I wouldnt pay to be on a dating web site, sod that...

POF is certantly enough for now and Ben i am soooo the one who doesnt reply lol, my profile is harsh but fair lol :lol:
Good luck with 'giving it up' if thats the aim...

Its funny my last ex said to me abruptly 'you knew i smoked it when i first got with you so dont start moaning now' i said 'yeah but you wernt such a f**kin arse with it then and my ex smoked it everyday when i was with him but never spoke to me like a piece of sh*t'

and that was that :lol: lol
I've been signed up on the guardian soulmates site in the past. Not cheap but the fee does on the plus side deter a lot of time wasters. I think the ranking system whereby you can see whose profile gets the most hits is a really bad idea because it encourages people to copy it and then inevitably means you ending up browsing a lot of bull$hit in people's profiles. I met some very interesting ladies with similar interests and got a few dates out of it but ultimately it is just a roulette as to whether you will gel. I find a lot of people with identical interests to myself to be unbelievably boring.
I find a lot of people with identical interests to myself to be unbelievably boring.

That's hilarious Olster! Personally, I always wished I could go out with myself but I think the excitement would kill me!:lol:
I couldn't bare to date myself. I've always held that If I ever met myself, I'd punch myself
I've been signed up on the guardian soulmates site in the past. Not cheap but the fee does on the plus side deter a lot of time wasters. I think the ranking system whereby you can see whose profile gets the most hits is a really bad idea because it encourages people to copy it and then inevitably means you ending up browsing a lot of bull$hit in people's profiles. I met some very interesting ladies with similar interests and got a few dates out of it but ultimately it is just a roulette as to whether you will gel. I find a lot of people with identical interests to myself to be unbelievably boring.

I suspect if I wasnt with Mr PL and suddenly became "back in the game" I would would become "....the mad old woman up the street with all the dogs" and be single forever...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Spent 3 days on an old school pals stag do that felt like a 3d interactive video game where you have a night out with Danny Dyer and all his pals, seen through your own eyes. Not big, clever, full of stories I'll be able to tell the wife, full of stories I can't tell anyone.

Proper fun though :)

I expect my dying to last a few more days.
Spent 3 days on an old school pals stag do that felt like a 3d interactive video game where you have a night out with Danny Dyer and all his pals, seen through your own eyes. Not big, clever, full of stories I'll be able to tell the wife, full of stories I can't tell anyone.

Proper fun though :)

I expect my dying to last a few more days.

Propa Nawty Danielsan?:lol:
most of the time, when I meet someone and fall for them big time, I find I cdn't care less what they're into, it's subtle things, you can't quite put your finger on, cute eccentricities, accents, gesticulations, giggling fits etc and the problem on a dating site is a lot of that cannot be communicated in text. I find when sometimes I meet someone and they match exactly their profile description, which theoretically matches yours, you conclude well this is all very nice but a bit yawn
most of the time, when I meet someone and fall for them big time, I find I cdn't care less what they're into, it's subtle things, you can't quite put your finger on, cute eccentricities, accents, gesticulations, giggling fits etc and the problem on a dating site is a lot of that cannot be communicated in text. I find when sometimes I meet someone and they match exactly their profile description, which theoretically matches yours, you conclude well this is all very nice but a bit yawn

I think I have the answer mate. Have you thought about asking out the newbie who was going to 'Clubland' opening?