Weekend Reports


Well-Known Member

Friday - left work late, Westfield to buy a mate's birthday present. Was exhausted and ended up getting her £40 of Kurt Geiger but not making her party.

Saturday - monumentous in that I was sent off for the first time in my football "career"! 2 yellows although the second could of been a straight red. Professional foul with 5 mins left, took one for the team thinking we could hold the 3-3 draw for the last 5 mins with ten men. The oppo score from the resultant free kick and won 4-3:spank:.
First league game lost all season. Still 14 wins out of 15 is fairly good.

Saturday night - http://www.hurlyburlyuk.com/ surprise night out arranged by the missus. Virtually naked ladies for a couple of hours, but after initial couple of songs was a bit bored by it!:lol:

Sunday - Over 35s semi-final. Won 8-2, not least because the opp keeper had a mare (apart from the one excellent stop he made, from me:twisted:). Came back to a surprise visit from the mum-in-(common) law, so took her and the missus to lunch. Met a mate for a few beers last night, so will be checking in at hangover club shortly.

Working from home today8)
Sounds like a good weekend, Buckers.

Thurs - Opening reception for the missus' latest photo exhibition (part of the citywide biannual Fashion & Style in Photography festival). Then an interesting dinner with some French & Italian art world people (one said he wanted to take Irina's exhibit to Paris! :D). Then a party thrown by Dolce & Gabbana. Met Dolce, thought he was Gabbana :lol: Pharrel Williams "performed" (read: MC'ed... lame!)

Friday - Another photo exhibit opening, then a party in an under-construction apartment block with an art installation and a concert by Nino Katamadze (very good!). Dropped the missus off at home and headed to the club Crisis Genre for some live rock & roll and then Rolling Stone Bar where a friend was DJing. All got very messy by then...

Saturday - Watched football :)lol: @ Spurs) then went to the opening party for a new art & design center. Later, met up with the gang and went to Soho Rooms and then Discoteque for Toolroom Knights with Mark Knight.

Sunday - avoided birthday celebrations. Went to pub to meet up with friends and watch Chelsea dispatch the Mancs. Ended up drinking for several hours afterward.

Surprisingly lucid today after 4 days on the p1ss :D
Ok, so I had a slightly longer weekend, due to my gig on thursday.

Thursday: Worked, then drove back to Bristol. Played a gig in a little club called Bijou. Was meant to be on for two hours, ended up playing for 3 and a half hours. Not many people in, due to when the club opened, and it's location.
Met a couple of girls, gave them a left to a club, where they ditched me and my best mate pronto. Used, or what?!

Friday: Worked from home at my parents place, then went out for dinner with a school mate in Bath, which I got for free, then hit a few bars in Bath, then in Bristol for a few more.

Saturday: Lounged around, then went out shopping and bought some new trainers for the gym. Went out in to town, which was an unrivaled disaster. found out some crappy news about my ex, and realized, yet again, that Oceana when sober is an awful and soul crushing place to be. (not my choice we went there)

Sunday: Nice Sunday dinner, then drove back to Leeds.

All in all, a pretty good weekend, bar Saturday.
was out thurs-sun at various doos - friday went to a rammed fundraiser at plastic people, saturday found myself at someone's house party in walthamstow, you could tell it was a mega full moon night as the place was packed with weirdos, in most cases a bit younger than me and with a seemingly voracious appetite for inhaling balloons :eek: I must say, youtube is slowly killing house parties, people can't be bothered to set up decks anymore and it just takes one monkey to hog the computer all evening and that's it entertainment destroyed. managed to get home and have a few hours kip - constantly interrupted though by the din from this massive jewish festival down the road, then afterwards hotfooted up to the famous Loft in shoreditch hosted by the legendary David Mancuso on one of the best systems around. Absolutely rammed to the rafters, not so sure about the veggie food (couldn't they lay on sausage rolls and burgers too for the great unreconstructed like me?) but the music was brilliant - incognito - 'always there' brought a few memories back and I had a bit of moment to mungolian jetset moonjocks and prog rocks, as played by cosmo. Great to see loadsa faces out ashley beedle, phil mison, yam who, ibiza ian from the last night a dj saved my life charity, toru from vinyl junkies and not forgetting Robder!

today feeling like crap and tmrw have a funeral to attend ugh.
Saturday: planted a tree

Sunday: decided tree was squint so dug it up and replanted it


Not been out for a few weekends, but looks like I may have an actual DATE this Friday. :eek:
I baled slightly early as was pretty shattered

need to get my mitts on those loft compilations
Friday - lazy night in, I love that feeling on a Friday knowing you have no work the next day 8)

Saturday - went shopping for BFs nephew (bought him the cutest leather jacket and denim shirt in H&M - he is 3!) then we had friends over for dinner, took them to our local Thai - yummy food & wine!

Sunday - BFs nephew bday party so a few hyperactive kids, lots of food and an awesome bday cake his mum made (monster truck!) :lol:
I baled slightly early as was pretty shattered

need to get my mitts on those loft compilations

I've got both (originals no less) - I'd offer to rip them for you but they're ubiquitous on the interweb.

My fave compilation ever...perfectly selected. 8)
Im intrigued as to know more about this date :lol:

Not much to know, really. 'Met' her online, have spoken on the phone and this Friday will be the first of me seeing her in real life. Just going out for a few drinks.

I was a bit worried because she hasn't texted me a million times - that's the way females normally seem to act and I thought maybe she'd lost interest. However, I'm assured we're still on... One weird thing is she wanted me to add her to Facebook before meeting; I usually like to know people aren't psychos before doing that. :lol:
Not much to know, really. 'Met' her online, have spoken on the phone and this Friday will be the first of me seeing her in real life. Just going out for a few drinks.

I was a bit worried because she hasn't texted me a million times - that's the way females normally seem to act and I thought maybe she'd lost interest. However, I'm assured we're still on... One weird thing is she wanted me to add her to Facebook before meeting; I usually like to know people aren't psychos before doing that. :lol:

Must want to know what you look like!