Weekend Plans

So, bit of an update for anyone that’s interested- after 6 months of hell, operations, radiotherapy and everything else that goes along with it, my partner was given the all clear yesterday and is cancer free. Lots of monitoring, reviews and scans to make sure it stays that way still to come, but yesterday was a Good Day
This is fantastic news! Onwards and upwards :)
So, bit of an update for anyone that’s interested- after 6 months of hell, operations, radiotherapy and everything else that goes along with it, my partner was given the all clear yesterday and is cancer free. Lots of monitoring, reviews and scans to make sure it stays that way still to come, but yesterday was a Good Day
Brilliant news, relieved for you both 🙌
Good couple of weeks coming up (no clubbing 🫠)

Fri - school Christmas fayre, alcohol tombola swipped from us parents and plenty of crap to buy. However they do serve beer and prosecco at the fayre 😂 walk atound to the village green for the lights switch on - brass band, santa on a trailer, fireworks with the pessiest light switch on 😎

Sat - 9am football game for lad. Drive to Stoke, drop Mrs at hotel to do some work/use spa whilst we watch another boring football game no doubt. Stay over.

Sun - Waterworld on the slides n rides, steak house and home.