Weekend Plans

I’m also joining the club 😁
We have been laid low with nasty flu that we picked up in Ibiza but finally starting to feel a bit better … just watching the City vs Arsenal game prior to going to play in a Charity golf day tomorrow in Hertfordshire with former Spurs and Arsenal players which could be quite funny if Arsenal hang on in the game as my mates are all big Spurs fans …
Fri - got off to a flyer, invited into school as son got 'star of the week' in assembly. Train to Newcastle for a stag do, someone pulled a bar of chocolate mushies out which made an interesting arrival to the city. Only Liverpool rivals Newcastle for a group drink imo. Finished off at Digital for Alan Fitzpatrick - bargain £15 on the door 👏

Fri - rolled into Saturday 😅 left the groomsparty to get home to watch football (1st live game this season) with son and mates, injury time winner. Family time at home.

Sunday - bike riding, park then 2hr at play centre. Sunday lunch in gaff that used to be a cocktail bar/late night venue which has changed direction - surprisingly excellent. Cant decide if I like listening to house or eating beef most in there 😁Movie night to finish it off 👌
just watching the City vs Arsenal game prior to going to play in a Charity golf day tomorrow in Hertfordshire with former Spurs and Arsenal players which could be quite funny if Arsenal hang on in the game as my mates are all big Spurs fans …
Yeah, it was almost a epic finish to the weekend. Kids did well at Arsenal Friday and rugby this morning, I won 3-2 yesterday to make it 6 points from 6 this season and the Joshua Dubouis fight was quite the spectacle. If Arsenal had hung for the 3 points, I might have exploded!
Yeah, it was almost a epic finish to the weekend. Kids did well at Arsenal Friday and rugby this morning, I won 3-2 yesterday to make it 6 points from 6 this season and the Joshua Dubouis fight was quite the spectacle. If Arsenal had hung for the 3 points, I might have exploded!

Think I probably jinxed it for you … sorry

(Jinxed it for myself too as golf is cancelled due to the weather)
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Feels like the weekend started early, taking my eldest to be a mascot at Arsenal's 5-1 win vs Bolton last night.

Friday - Arsenal and pizza with both boys
Saturday - brings kids to my folks in the morning, then looking for 3rd win in 3 at footy in the afternoon
Sunday - kids rugby training in the morning, last week before matches start, this year involving scrums and rucks for the first time! Afternoon a blank canvas at the mo - comedy ineptitude of Man U and Spurs a possible watch
Off home on Sat. Was having great time this week till today when we saw someone die at cala llonga after being dragged out of water. They tried frantically to save him, and police may well have sealed beach off now if you're heading that way. Absolutely horrendous scene. The way everyone there rushed to try and help brought me to tears. The water was incredibly shallow, clear and calm so my guess is a heart attack. We didm't hang about. Felt ghoulish to sit there and watch.
Off home on Sat. Was having great time this week till today when we saw someone die at cala llonga after being dragged out of water. They tried frantically to save him, and police may well have sealed beach off now if you're heading that way. Absolutely horrendous scene. The way everyone there rushed to try and help brought me to tears. The water was incredibly shallow, clear and calm so my guess is a heart attack. We didm't hang about. Felt ghoulish to sit there and watch.
Off home on Sat. Was having great time this week till today when we saw someone die at cala llonga after being dragged out of water. They tried frantically to save him, and police may well have sealed beach off now if you're heading that way. Absolutely horrendous scene. The way everyone there rushed to try and help brought me to tears. The water was incredibly shallow, clear and calm so my guess is a heart attack. We didm't hang about. Felt ghoulish to sit there and watch.
Hope you’re ok @The Sun God, these things are awful to witness :(