Weekend Plans

Weather looks set to worsen after this weekend so might munch on shrooms one of these nice evenings and see how long I last in the back garden. That's if they're still active - been lying around for ~2 years.
Flying to Barcelona on Sunday, a few well earned chilled beach days before off week antics drop! Loosing my sh*t at the thought of the sounds of those Arpiar boys in the sunshine next thursday!
Recording my radio show now whilst contemplating whether to get my twendy mid length hair cut nice and short...us men have tough choices to make. Anyhow I must be in a good mood as show is on a disco tip with no dark techno..yet.... then..

Off to the Cotswolds tomorrow for the weekend with family. Rock n roll. Will take my trunks.

Meanwhile my missus has just phoned me to say she is most likely booking us a holiday for August time in Majorca......Waaaah so near yet so far. Must try my best to fit a weekend in Ibiza some time!
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Had no plans this weekend,we've had 3 weeks of sunshine here but it forecast to change by Monday:( so a mate is having a Last day of summer bbq from about 3pm today..:)
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