Weekend Plans

Last night, stayed in, watched the Olympics opening.

Rest of the weekend, gym, shopping and avoiding the rest of the Olympics.
Entering week 2 of having a trapped nerve in my neck with heavy left arm pain & numbness. :evil:

These new painkillers might prevail the weekend tho! :D
Thurs - QVC party on the cinema screen with disco ball. Got over excited.
Fri - Opening ceremony party on cinema screen - got ridiculously over excited.
Sat - hung over rowing on Viccy Park lake followed by Weatherall in Brixton - nice to be back on a terrace again. 8) Some great selections.

Wound up in some weird psy trance club in Brixton surrounded by misfits and 90s rejects. :lol:

Spent yesterday in a darkened room, sweating.
Thurs - QVC party on the cinema screen with disco ball. Got over excited.
Fri - Opening ceremony party on cinema screen - got ridiculously over excited.
Sat - hung over rowing on Viccy Park lake followed by Weatherall in Brixton - nice to be back on a terrace again. 8) Some great selections.

Wound up in some weird psy trance club in Brixton surrounded by misfits and 90s rejects. :lol:

Spent yesterday in a darkened room, sweating.
was getting the review of the brixton ALFOS night off my mates yesterday after they'd got back to aberdeen...quite the weekend they had doing the glasgow / london ALFOS double header:)

got told in brixton they finished with kolsch der alte....never played that in glasgow:(...its my tune of the last year as well.....awk, great selection in glasgow anyway..good they are keeping it fresh, only 4/5 tunes i'd heard previously at the other ALFOS nights ive been at..

was nice touch that weatherall & sean spent a bit of time with my mates at the end, thanked them for the effort of travelling down...weatherall also done me a really big favour in glasgow, which really was the highlight of the night for me....a picture to follow.8)
Where's this screen Rob?

Not in the communal area in your flats?

In my living room...I've got a projector and huge screen which is kinda overkill since I'm not a film buff.

Great for watching gigs and olympics stuff tho.

...On ALFOS - desperado to get to one of the Glasgow ones. 8)
In my living room...I've got a projector and huge screen which is kinda overkill since I'm not a film buff.

Great for watching gigs and olympics stuff tho.

...On ALFOS - desperado to get to one of the Glasgow ones. 8)

Ah I see. Thought there was a chance a chap on the stag I was on Saturday who said he'd watched the opening ceremony at a party in Bethnal Green, on a big screen had been at yours
:oops: :oops: :oops:

such mass understatements of our time feature as a general undercurrent in all my posts over the last few weeks don't they? :lol:
Thurs - QVC party on the cinema screen with disco ball. Got over excited.
Fri - Opening ceremony party on cinema screen - got ridiculously over excited.
Sat - hung over rowing on Viccy Park lake followed by Weatherall in Brixton - nice to be back on a terrace again. 8) Some great selections.

Wound up in some weird psy trance club in Brixton surrounded by misfits and 90s rejects. :lol:

Spent yesterday in a darkened room, sweating.

Siounds like you were in the 414 in Brixton. Years since I been down that way.