Weekend Plans

Friends birthday tomorrow - wont get messy due to an ankle injury still preventing much ability to walk.
Saturday - likely sorting out the garage. Really pushing the boat out this weekend clearly.
Sunday - Mostly chilling out, likely watching the olympics and not much else.
Friday: Watch the Olympics opening ceremony with a few beers (and Tongy on in the background)

Sat: Train down to London. Soak up the atmosphere around Stratford, London Bridge and Leicester Square before heading to FABRIC with Craig Richards, Reboot & Robert Dietz and Stacey Pullen. First time I will have been there so buzzing for it!

Sun: Coach home to B'ham. Spend the day feeling sorry for myself.

(And yes, I'm going with EnglandVilla)
Friday: Watch the Olympics opening ceremony with a few beers (and Tongy on in the background)

Sat: Train down to London. Soak up the atmosphere around Stratford, London Bridge and Leicester Square before heading to FABRIC with Craig Richards, Reboot & Robert Dietz and Stacey Pullen. First time I will have been there so buzzing for it!

Sun: Coach home to B'ham. Spend the day feeling sorry for myself.

(And yes, I'm going with EnglandVilla)

its all go for me at the moment!

Tonight - My night in Liverpool (Luna @ Ludus, Bold St for any of the scouse contigent). I will be taking it easy though after getting back from Ibiza on Wednesday in something of a sorry state.

Tomorrow - Collect my suit after the alterations, have an early dinner in Liverpool with the missus.

Next Week - few days in work, then get married!!!
Not much makes me jealous ... but that's definitely one of the few things that does !

Have to say there's a lot in that :twisted: :spank:

Probably what I'd enjoy doing most out of all the possible weekend exploits under discussion :twisted:

Well, if you see an overweight 6'3'' English dad continually falling off an old windsurfer whilst his kids and missus look on laughing, come and have a go! Normally hit the beach for Sunday lunch and there is usually a breeze at Cala Martina
Johnny Vodka's weekend:

A girl i know has a sex swing at her house but it more like a My Little Pony one compared to this beast:p
Tonight: No plans, maybe watch a TinTin in 3D at a friends house...

Saturday: Get together with old university buddies and their families for an afternoon of grilling burgers and some light drinking while letting their kids annoy me, in the evening we'll ditch the kids and get properly drunk 8)
Tonight - Derrick Carter @ Content at Joshua Brooks in Manchester

Tomorrow - carry on from tonight no doubt

Sunday - Recover
tonight - some strange album release party of some weird company :lol:

saturday - hopefully some time on the beach and then some house warming party of some strange guy ;)

sunday - more beach time i hope (or scuba diving maybe?) and the standard sunday nighter - we love!
Supposed to be going to Bodyhammer in E2 tonight. Am looking at the roads situation and thinking it may be an impossible feat to get in & out of London ? :(:eek:
I am looking forward to my home team Brechin City beating the underdogs, Sevco (previously know as Rangers FC) in their first game live on BBC Alba
On way home after a brilliant night in Glasgow for weatherall & Johnston - a love from outer space.

really cracking music, did think they played a bit harder , higher bpm than the thursday night sets though....all good for me anyway.8)
Workers party @ Itaca last night (vests EVERYWHERE)
Bit of sun today - try and stay in tonight
Tomorrow - Space possibly depending on whose not working, definitely Bora Bora in the day though
Monday - Girly sleepover!