weekend plans!

That's shocking! I don't wish to sound snotty, but you hardly need any qualifications to be a police officer. If you have the power to bash in doors and beat the crap out of people, you really ought to have some intellectual judgement.

It's a disgrace they won't pay for the damage or compensate for the inconvience. Maybe make a complaint further up the line or even to your MP?
Going to make a formal complaint to the police sergeant when I can leave this flat and will make a complain to the IPCC as well.

What they've done is nothing short of disgraceful.
That is absolutely f*cking ridiculous, Ben.

Please make sure you make as many complaints as you need to, get the local press involved. Local mp's, bend the ear of anyone and everyone. This kind of police brutality has no place in 2012 in a supposed democratic society.
You'll definitely get somewhere with the IPCC.

Just keep a level head. Be unemotional in all your communications, keep it plain English and just state the facts.

In the mean time - find a cathartic way to get rid of the anger because holding onto that is just going to cause you grief.

Good luck!
Thankfully I don't have to pay for it, my flatmate does.
He was in and asleep, woke up to 6 police officers surrounding him. (He'd just been up for 20 hours and done a 12 hour shift)
They must have found something or someone inside if they are not paying out. Certain offences or situations do not require a warrant. E.g. a gas leak or sec 18 searches.
I had the same experience when i was a student, smashed the door in and frightened the hell out of me.

Claimed they'd had a tip off that we had lots of stolen gear in the flat. Which was untrue.

However i was just releived they didn't find my sizable stash :lol:
Aww... Ben, really sorry about that, mate.
I was only kidding when I called the fuzz and said you were torturing ferrets in the bathtub.
Look at the positives. It's a decent tale for the ladeez, there would be no harm to embelish slightly :D

Exactly. You were not out, but at home playing Playstation, surrounded with a phalanx of automatic weapons pointed at your head. There were SWAT teams on neighboring roofs. And lots of shouting. And a helicopter. And a guy who looked just like Bruce Willis.
Not quite 2 weeks I've got 5 days with girls and week with neale, it's def gonna be best yet so much I still haven't done there can't wait, super saving til then though. Are you not going back this year?

I was hoping to maybe do a long weekend for the closings but come June 2nd i have a £1000 a month flat to be paying for :spank: so funds wont exactly be free flowing unfortunately :( cant moan seeing i had 2 weeks in Cancun in March 8)
They must have given you a reason or stated what power they used? They don't need to search for anything but if they think someone is at harm they can enter. Have you found out?
Look at the positives. It's a decent tale for the ladeez, there would be no harm to embelish slightly :D

:eek: lol you are kidding right? If Ben pulled me and told me this story and wanted me back at his - no way in hell would i wana go :lol: - obviously his place is a hot spot :lol:
They must have given you a reason or stated what power they used? They don't need to search for anything but if they think someone is at harm they can enter. Have you found out?

I'm only going on what my flatmate has told me about this. They had no warrant, and that was the reason. They refuse to tell us anything more than that.

:eek: lol you are kidding right? If Ben pulled me and told me this story and wanted me back at his - no way in hell would i wana go :lol: - obviously his place is a hot spot :lol:

Damn, my plans are foiled :lol: