weekend plans!

doing an all nighter at work tonight to meet deadline at 10am tomorrow then will either go home to sleep ot push on through for victory pints in soho at lunchtime. Probs fall asleep on the tube later and end up in Stratford or somewhere.
Not working for couple weeks after tomorrow so big health kick
Heading up to Bonnie Scotland for a long weekend in a log cabin for a friend's birthday :D A bit scared, as some of the people I'm going with only know me as 'old Sarah' and think we're all going to be cracking open the alcohol at 9am Friday morning on the train, I keep telling them I'm going to be bringing a flask of tea for the journey but they think I'm joking :oops::lol:

Nice 8) where you off to?

Hmmm hope the winter weather does a disappearing act for you!
just landed and the sky is blue I shall be working out which beach to have lunch on at the weekend, probably cala martina
Friday - Nothing
Saturday - Playoff final Blackpool vs West Ham. Come on you Pool!
Sunday - Missus is running the Manchester 10k
Friday - trying to stay in so that I'm fresh as a daisy for...

Saturday - Cream Reunion at Nation with Nick Warren and Paul Bleasdale. Will be my first time back there in 9 years. Looking forward to a long overdue revisit :D
Heading up to Bonnie Scotland for a long weekend in a log cabin for a friend's birthday :D A bit scared, as some of the people I'm going with only know me as 'old Sarah' and think we're all going to be cracking open the alcohol at 9am Friday morning on the train, I keep telling them I'm going to be bringing a flask of tea for the journey but they think I'm joking :oops::lol:

lol as im getting 'older' i find that more appealing than getting on the booze :lol: god i am getting boring lol
Tonight - Bf is back for the weekend from Edinburgh after training all weekend seeing he is now officially a fire fighter at Heathrow which means no more sh*tty military :D so tonight lots of vino and fajitas for dinner.

Saturday - Try and sell my heap of sh*t car :spank: Kingston for wedding suit and last bits for the new flat then probably chilled night in front of the box with yet more vino.

Sunday - not alot, gym maybe then see the bf off again for his 2nd out of 7 weeks in edinburgh :(

Roll on the 2nd June - moving into our flat - yay :D
lol as im getting 'older' i find that more appealing than getting on the booze :lol: god i am getting boring lol
OK, I'm going to guess that I'm more than a decade older than you, and as I get older I've seen no such change in my attitude so don't try to chalk that up to age! :lol:
Night in with the girls tonight which may or may not be well behaved but if I am good wanna get up at silly o clock tomo and drive somewhere with the bf and some mates for some beach fun..........if its not sunny prob sopranos in bed all day. My god I can't wait for Ibiza
Night in with the girls tonight which may or may not be well behaved but if I am good wanna get up at silly o clock tomo and drive somewhere with the bf and some mates for some beach fun..........if its not sunny prob sopranos in bed all day. My god I can't wait for Ibiza

JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS - your doing two weeks as well arent you ?!

Weathers meant to be pants this weekend, well we got rain foprecast for Saturday in West London - where the f**k is our summer :spank:
JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS - your doing two weeks as well arent you ?!

Weathers meant to be pants this weekend, well we got rain foprecast for Saturday in West London - where the f**k is our summer :spank:

Lush day today but looks like rain tomo, so DVDs gym and food by the looks of it exciting times! Either that or be naughty tonight :)

Not quite 2 weeks I've got 5 days with girls and week with neale, it's def gonna be best yet so much I still haven't done there can't wait, super saving til then though. Are you not going back this year?
Awesome night at The Arches, though had a bit of a moment where everything got too intense and I had to sit down. :oops: Not had one of those for a while!
Came home on Friday from work to this:

Police raided our flat. Put something of a downer on the weekend.
OTR was ok on Friday, was too tired to really enjoy it.
We don't actually know why. They won't tell us.
They had no warrant. They only thing they have said is that there was definitely someone in the flat and there was definitely someone in physical danger. :\
We have no idea, and they won't tell.
They also won't pay for the damage, and our landlord won't help us.