Weekend Plans....

I wouldn't thank anyone for taking me to a trance night either. :lol:

You should read some Buddhism, Em - might help ya sort your head out! Seriously. Few problems to which it can't be applied or offer insight. :D
I wouldn't thank anyone for taking me to a trance night either. :lol:

You should read some Buddhism, Em - might help ya sort your head out! Seriously. Few problems to which it can't be applied or offer insight. :D

Yeah someone at work has recommended a few books to me - ones that will change my life - going to give it a go :lol:
You nosey f**kers :lol:

Well, its not all so black and white but he slept with a girl underage....

Not normally a problem, as he was seein the girl etc....they parted ways, she was a bit nuts - ended up in the priory and was errrr pregnant :rolleyes:...she had to spill the beans on who was the father.....low and behold it was my brother...two years after the incident, he moves on, gets a new gf, she falls pregnant then BOOM from no where - he gets three years and was stuck in a sex offenders prison :evil:

He missed the first year of his daughters life :( and things are going to be ever simple for him now, probably for the rest of his life thanks to that silly little girl...

Not saying my brother is innocent as he was a stupid d*ck for sleeping with her anyway but there are alot more worse offenders who are gona have the same problems as he is, as in will struggle to get a job for being on the sex offenders list blah blah blah...

How old was your brother & how old was the girl?
Yeah something along those lines. I think its me with the problem though - everything is fine where he is coming from, just me with the niggling doubts and unusual feelings :cry:

All I can do is give myself time which he finds hard to understand but I am the sort of person that needs to go away, think, be alone, come out focused.....

Forgive the blunt instrument. However experience has taught me, once some needs time to think, your 90% likely to end of getting rid of em and are in the denial phase.
Brixham's on my doorstep ! Recommend getting out and having a go at this, just over the border in Cornwall on the same site as Kartworld :


Went earlier in the year and had great fun (not just a big kid, honest !! :rolleyes:). The zip down to the site is fun too tho' it was blowing a 20mph gale when I did it and had to have an extra 30kg water barrel attached to get all the way !!

Beach at Bigbury-on-Sea (or Wonwell - check the tide times tho') if it's sunny.

With a seven months pregnant missus:lol:?!

Any restaurants, good walks, food and drink related things?
Yeah something along those lines. I think its me with the problem though - everything is fine where he is coming from, just me with the niggling doubts and unusual feelings :cry:

All I can do is give myself time which he finds hard to understand but I am the sort of person that needs to go away, think, be alone, come out focused.....

I guess it all depends on what doubts you're having and if there's anything you/he can do to ease them.

How long have you been together?
Yeah someone at work has recommended a few books to me - ones that will change my life - going to give it a go :lol:

Get Buddhism Plain & Simple. Any other self help book I've read has been a load of bollocks. Don't worry - there's no God stuff in it. Buddhists don't believe in God, but it will make you fundamentally re-examine the nature of your existence and help see where problems spring from in life.
How old was your brother & how old was the girl?

Errr *Vicky thinks.....*

Girl was 15 i think :confused: and bro was hmmmmm 24 / 25

My brother had a tendancy to go for the younger type of girl as they didnt expect anything and were 'easy' in may diff ways so to speak :confused:
Why did it take 2 years for the feds to bang him up?

Did underage girl go through with pregnancy?

So many questions!! :lol:

Not sure why so long, it was his second time inside and the time before that also took a good 2 years to actually happen....

My brother isnt a friend of the law :lol: tbf none of my family are....

My mum knows a policeman knock put it that way lol

As for the pregnant girl - i bloody hope not, doubtful tbh - was probably aborted :confused:
Deep in Ibiza saving mode...

Friday: Usual friday ritual...chill with a few drinks after a loooong week, have a good chat/catch up with him indoors (I work away in the week) while listening to all the new music he's got during the week
Saturday: Boring domestic stuff, then maybe do a bit of holiday shopping, watch some DVD's. Probably cook a nice meal together and have a nice bottle of wine since we're stopping in
Sunday: probably more of the same :)
Forgive the blunt instrument. However experience has taught me, once some needs time to think, your 90% likely to end of getting rid of em and are in the denial phase.

Be as blunt as you like, Im not easily offended! To be honest I think you are probably right. In fact I think I know it deep down, its just the mess its going to make.....
Be as blunt as you like, Im not easily offended! To be honest I think you are probably right. In fact I think I know it deep down, its just the mess its going to make.....

You have to do what YOU want to do and what makes YOU happy....

Hope you settle your mind over the weekend though.
Me, the boyf and my two kids are off to stay with my folks in Spain for 2 weeks, 3 nights of which we will be spending alone in Ibiza!!! Can't wait!!!
Be as blunt as you like, Im not easily offended! To be honest I think you are probably right. In fact I think I know it deep down, its just the mess its going to make.....

I did not mean to come over flippant. I've been on both sides of it.

Bite the bullett. Think of the fun freedom. The aftermath won't be as bad as you think - he will get over it.
Me, the boyf and my two kids are off to stay with my folks in Spain for 2 weeks, 3 nights of which we will be spending alone in Ibiza!!! Can't wait!!!


wow, started to read this thread in my usually happy friday mood and a few stories have changed all that! :eek: :lol:

Like onemore said after last weekends antics and with ibiza next week it's a chilled weekend for me.

wow, started to read this thread in my usually happy friday mood and a few stories have changed all that! :eek: :lol:

Like onemore said after last weekends antics and with ibiza next week it's a chilled weekend for me.

good antics though mate!!