Weekend Plans

I'm always a bit scared of doing these updates now ever since someone I had never met (or heard of) before came up to me in a club and seemed to know everything about me :eek: :eek: :eek: But, hey ho...


That's happened to me on occasion. Slightly scary.
easy to forget that these "walls" have "ears"

I casually mentioned my childhood penfriend on another forum and a week later she signed up and sent me a PM! I smelt a rat but it really was her [not before I had falsely accused someone else on there of stitching me up]

I wonder how many people spend their entire lives googling themselves? :D

That's happened to me on occasion. Slightly scary.

Same. I was in a pub on Old Compton Street with a mate who'd come down from up North to visit.

Bloke (to me): Hi, sorry to interupt but if *ahem* this isn't your girlfriend, would you like to join me for a drink?

Me: Sorry mate, we're just having a catch up.

Bloke: Okey doke, nice to meet you both anyway, I'm Paul.

Lauren: I'm Lauren nice to meet you

Me: And I'm Buckley

Paul: :eek:Not off Ibiza Spotlight? I always lurk there.....

Turned out he was a longtime lurker who didn't post for fear of homophobia. I said that was silly but he never has piped up on here.

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Where will you be watching it?

There's going to be a massive Barca fan get together in Trafalgar Square at 2pm on Saturday.

Saturday is about the final.

then Sunday going to 2020 Vision day and night party in Shoreditch with Ewan Pearson, Ralph Lawson and Steve Bug

nice Ferd!!!
Don't worry, I am seeing them twice in one night! So thats enough for the both of us! :p

This way it gets it out my system so I have 2 shots at the Space > DC10 > Cocoon marathon without having to use a monday to head to Pacha to see SHM! :D

yeah we are giving shm at pacha a swerve this year so we can do the same! enjoy them both times (i love axwell for the music and i have a secret love crush on Ingrosso)

That's happened to me on occasion. Slightly scary.

Well you have a *ahem* distinctive look about you Rob ;) :lol: so you're easy to spot. I'm just your average Jane, minding me own business, no photos on here... and this was in KOKO (fairly big and dark club).... how did they recongnise me?!?!

And if you're reading this... YES IT WAS FREAKY!!
in fact ALL YOU lurkers have some nerve

YOU think you can just sit there and amuse yourselves at our expense. Feeding off our daily lives, offering nothing back in return

minimum input, maximum output, I say

FREE entertainment, eh - cheeky bstards

the least you could do is buy us a drink next time you stalk us to nightclubs
easy to forget that these "walls" have "ears"

I casually mentioned my childhood penfriend on another forum and a week later she signed up and sent me a PM! I smelt a rat but it really was her [not before I had falsely accused someone else on there of stitching me up]

I wonder how many people spend their entire lives googling themselves? :D

I actually had a nice outcome on here a few years back pre-Facebook era. I got a private message from an old school friend of mine, who was going on her first visit to Ibiza, was browsing the forums and noticed my name/posts. Put 2+2 together and realised I was her old primary school chum :D I got a PM saying "Hi, sorry this might seem weird, but are you Becki ... from such and such school etc etc"

We'd not been in contact for years. (now FB buddies ;) )
in fact ALL YOU lurkers have some nerve

YOU think you can just sit there and amuse yourselves at our expense. Feeding off our daily lives, offering nothing back in return

minimum input, maximum output, I say

FREE entertainment, eh - cheeky bstards

the least you could do is buy us a drink next time you stalk us to nightclubs

Yeah, Roofie and coke for me too Olster!:lol:
the least you could do is buy us a drink next time you stalk us to nightclubs
Here here!

Reminds me of the time I was at a Mulletover party up on a hill in the middle of Ibiza and two guys passing by decided to make small talk. Asked where I was from and when I said I live in Moscow, they replied "Oh, wow... do you know Morbyd?" :lol:

I might have gotten a free drink out of it.

It was long-time lurker and rare poster Grant1979 and his mate Carlos. Fun guys, actually.

infamy! infamy! they've got it in for me!

it's a weird one when you're recognised but don't know why - on the one hand your ego swells to interplanetary dimensions, on the other it's slightly unnerving
it's a weird one when you're recognised but don't know why - on the one hand your ego swells to interplanetary dimensions, on the other it's slightly unnerving

A lot of the art events the missus and I attend have photographers and pictures subsequently show up on some website or other. So now I get this freaky thing when I'll go to some nightclub and some security guard I've never seen before goes "oh, I know you."

Anonymity is a beautiful thing... but you don't realize how much so until you get overexposed.
This weekend. Quite boring compared to everyone else but to me excellent.

Friday - movie night with the kids. How To Train Your Dragon and Tangled!

Saturday missus working so taking the kids out exploring in the woods or to a farm to get all mucky. Home for the footie.

Sunday - taking kids swimming and the missus taking the kids to a friends so probably laze around indoors and do nothing.

Monday - who knows, whatever the kids want to do. Maybe the seaside for the day, weather permitting.
I will have a boring one Hangover II friday

finish my project for class

golf on Sunday I hope weather permitting.

The lurkers on the board is one thing meeting at a club scary:eek: I must say the Spotlighters I have met were great.
This weekend. Quite boring compared to everyone else but to me excellent.

Friday - movie night with the kids. How To Train Your Dragon and Tangled!

Saturday missus working so taking the kids out exploring in the woods or to a farm to get all mucky. Home for the footie.

Sunday - taking kids swimming and the missus taking the kids to a friends so probably laze around indoors and do nothing.

Monday - who knows, whatever the kids want to do. Maybe the seaside for the day, weather permitting.

Ive seen that.....so good!
Friday- hangover II
Saturday- champ final party
Sunday- cream reunion at Nation, Liverpool
(Oliver leib, jan Johnson doing a pa and Seb Fontaine)
Monday- carry on
Tuesday- die
half term for me :)
money is pretty tight this wknd so gona try stay in friday n maybe cook a home made curry of some healthy sort.
Saturday gota help the on/off ex move flat ie drive , minimal lifting or anything useful :)
Getting taken out for late lunch / drinks as reward for my taxi service so not so bad.

Sunday seems a load of people have decided on Fuse , otherwise known as 'Little Essex'. Would rather go to the 20:20 day party at the old Shoreditch tube station

Depending if im working on the tuesday monday will either be civilised with possible bbq if its sunny or an extension off sunday / wastefest