Weekend Plans


New Member
Half way through so though I'd star a thread to see what you're all doing on this lovely sunny bank holiday

For all of you planning to fly to Ibiza I hope the ash clouds fcuk off and you get there safe and sound!
good weekend coming up...

meal out at my fav restaurant on friday night, champs league final and beers sat night, bbq sunday day followed by Sasha, Sneak, Nick Curly at Circus.

Jealous Jealous Jealous!

Friday night packing (with phone turned off so don't get tempted to Circo Loco at Thekla)
Early start Sat, move to the bungalow (the only place we found where we knew we wouldn't get noise complaints) Few drinks in afternoon then off for “1 or 2” for a friends surprise party (be good sally be good don't ruin yourself before Sunday)
Sunday get the decks out a few friends coming for drinks then head to a shipwrecked/werk night in town then back to our to party through to Monday.
Wow... a great set of plans from everyone thus far. Especially jealous of Dan X and others going for opening weekend!

Friday - Vogue magazine party, then Chemical Brothers concert :D, then maybe check out a new club called Colours with SCSI-9 set to play live.

Saturday - Afternoon bike ride, watch Champions League finals with mates at the pub, then t.b.d.

Sunday - Lazy afternoon, then a party for a friend visiting for England in the evening.
Are they a tribute band?



am not really a fan. am going to a birthday and moodymann is the main draw. he's a dubstep-tech-turntablist popular with about 17 people in East London - I will almost certainly still be watching the penalty shootout whilst he's warming up


am not really a fan. am going to a birthday and moodymann is the main draw. he's a dubstep-tech-turntablist popular with about 17 people in East London - I will almost certainly still be watching the penalty shootout whilst he's warming up

I need to move to the smoke!

So much going on.

We have got Sankeys up here and that is about your lot. There are, of course, other bits and bobs going on but they are few and far between.


am not really a fan. am going to a birthday and moodymann is the main draw. he's a dubstep-tech-turntablist popular with about 17 people in East London - I will almost certainly still be watching the penalty shootout whilst he's warming up

Ever so slightly off post but...

Planning a reasonably priced night away in a few Saturdays time. I was thinking of that London. Do you think it would be worth it for one night? It is just so damn big that I would not know where to start.
Friday - surf after work followed by bbq on the beach.

Saturday - Gym, beach then fly to Birmingham to meet up with mybest mate and off to some Brazillian restaurant for beers and lots of food!

Sunday - Gatecrasher with Sneak, Armand Van Helden & Sebastian Leger

Monday - carry on
I've been agonising about a permanent move to Spain at the end of the year and I would certainly miss some of the stuff going on in my backyard. But I hardly go to anything these days anyway. Moodymann this week and Lil Louis next week and that's pretty much my biggies for the summer. It's just the psychological feeling of being spoilt and having the options I would miss. But career/family sadly have to come first from now on..
Friday - surf after work followed by bbq on the beach.

Saturday - Gym, beach then fly to Birmingham to meet up with mybest mate and off to some Brazillian restaurant for beers and lots of food!

Sunday - Gatecrasher with Sneak, Armand Van Helden & Sebastian Leger

Monday - carry on

Are they okay with you hangin around with them?:)
Sat - Fly to Ibiza


Friday - nothing much although will probably end up sinking a few San Miguels at my local

Saturday - driving to Matlock for a 1 nights camping with friends with kids...should be an experience and will probably put me off having one for life :eek:

Sunday - Friends birthday BBQ if weather is reasonable. If not then it will be a tour of Stourbridge's finest ale serving establishments. I'm then torn about whether to go to a Fakin' The Funk reunion (this was the first 'proper' club night I experienced way back in the day at Libertys in Brum) or to go and see a Thin Lizzy tribute. The heart wants Fakin' the Funk but the head tells me it would be a LOT less messier to go and see Thin Lizzy.

Monday - drive to Forest of Dean for pre-wedding dinner with my bro. Try not to get wrecked

Tuesday - Little bro gets married!

Wednesday - let the hangover commence....:cry:
Friday: Going to see a Free Outdoor Screening of Anchorman Weather permitting!

Sat - Monday: Camping in Cambridgeshire. So it will Deffo rain! there are 12 of us going so it should be a giggle