Weekend Plans

Friday - chilling with the missus8)

Sat - Over 25s vs Under 25s footy club game. Just an excuse to finish the season with another beer, hopefully in the sun

Sat night - mate's birthday dinner

Sun - nothing whatsoever8)
Well after last weekends shenanigans where I had partied Friday Saturday and Sunday night with very little sleep all weekend I thought I may have a quiet one!!

I am def staying in Friday as I am doing a car boot on Sat morning to get rid of all my unwanted goods before house move next weekend (very excited) then some of my mates are playing in a charity football game so gonna go and have a look at that. At this point I should really go home however one of the girls we are going to Ibiza is having her 21st birthday party so not sure If I can stay in! It depends if I can rope the boy I have been seeing to stay in with me, although we are such a bad influence on each other we will prob stay in and then get tempted into a party early doors.

If I do be good and stay in IKEA and packing sunday
JEALOUS!!!! cant wait to hear all about it on your return. How long til you fly?

Will be landing just now this time next week !! Gonna get started with the packing though as i'm a well lazy moo after work in the week.

I hope I remember enough to have a few stories to tell :)

Then I will be on countdown to the closing parties when I get back :)
Friday - having a 'do' for an ex work colleague who moved to Hong Kong but is briefly back

Saturday - Glasgow Stag & Dagger 'festival' - basically, lots of bands playing in various venues across the city. Warpaint, Clinic, Yuck, James Yorkston and Dels are about as famous as the artists get, and sadly it's timed so the best stuff is on at the same time. :spank: As long as I see Warpaint, I'll be happy. I'm ruling out clubbing now - too expensive to stay over, plus I'd have to make sure I pace myself during the day.
after a few days living as a virtual hermit, am back on the razz this weekend

tonight - lord sabre himself andrew weatherall is dropping tunes at The Drop, stoke newington. £4. would be rude not to.

fri - work drinks in southwark + lowlife djs at grammaphone commercial st, closing down party - v.sad to lose that place to property developers <insert rude word>

sat - heading to a party on mare street called magik - there is annoyingly at the same time also a quality party called 'the idiots are winning' at life on the clerkenwell rd/old st junction with luke solomon and chris duckenfield. Am sadly not the roadrunner (or Fusion) so one will have to suffice.

sun - I don't know. I've started writing a blog even though am not remotely inspired right now. CV needs to be sorted out too, something I am totally dreading but which can't be put off any longer
Friday - having a 'do' for an ex work colleague who moved to Hong Kong but is briefly back

Saturday - Glasgow Stag & Dagger 'festival' - basically, lots of bands playing in various venues across the city. Warpaint, Clinic, Yuck, James Yorkston and Dels are about as famous as the artists get, and sadly it's timed so the best stuff is on at the same time. :spank: As long as I see Warpaint, I'll be happy. I'm ruling out clubbing now - too expensive to stay over, plus I'd have to make sure I pace myself during the day.

James Yorkston is pretty wonderful imo
James Yorkston is pretty wonderful imo

He's amazing, but seen him 3 times already (and he's up against Warpaint, who I haven't). The last time was when he played random stuff for 3 hours or so (with break) to a room of about 30 people in my town. :D We came back early from the break and he asked if anyone wanted him to play anything so I requested his cover of 'Song to the Siren'. It was utterly amazing to hear him do that.
Tonight - Art exhibit opening followed by a fashion designer friend's birthday party in the nightclub Soho Rooms and possibly a quick stop at club Rai for their promoter's birthday party.

Friday - Rock & Roll boat party until 1am and then t.b.d. Hoping to make it to Krysha Mira for afterparty with Tiefschwarz and DJ T.

Saturday - Might go for a bike ride if weather is nice. Hope to check out at least one of 2 new clubs (Colors, Discodome), swing by the opening of new cocktail bar Gorki, and make it to Gagar Inn for DJ Thomas Schumacher.
Edit: Might go see Two Door Cinema Club concert in early evening.

Sunday - Watch football, attend a dinner at some new rooftop restaurant.
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fri - work drinks in southwark + lowlife djs at grammaphone commercial st, closing down party - v.sad to lose that place to property developers <insert rude word>

Is/was it still owned/leased by the guy (Bernie) who had/has the Rhythm Factory?
dunno who the personnel are. I got it slightly wrong - the flats are already up and typically some yuppies have moved in and started kicking off about the noise. That old chestnut. What do you expect if you're going to move into a flat next to a club, you doughnuts!

the website says:

It is with great regret that we announce the closure and final party at Gramaphone on Saturday 21st May.
Our closure is due to the fact that the council allowed luxury flats to be developed next door to our venue and then subsequent complaints from the residents of these new flats caused the council to take away our late night license for club events.

Unforunately the Gramaphone cannot be financially sustained without these events and has had to close.

Friday - Cut grass and clean pond

Saturday - Pack and fly to Ibiza

Sunday - Look around for somewhere to get a decent spray tan (not really)
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Friday - Chillax on me lonesome 8)

Saturday - Dinner and Theatre for a second date - well im saying take 2 of date 1 seeing i got sooo bloody trashed on saturday and cant remember any of it :lol: clearly i didnt leave a bad impression seeing he wants to see me again :eek:


Sunday - Depends on Saturday ;)
Heading for Sunny Brighton to catch up with old and new friends, take in some of the fringe festival and possibly get a bit tipsy.
well im saying take 2 of date 1 seeing i got sooo bloody trashed on saturday and cant remember any of it :lol: clearly i didnt leave a bad impression seeing he wants to see me again :eek:
I'm sure he does, considering what must have gone on in the later parts of the time you can't remember :twisted:
Friday: While my original plan was OTR in Sheffield, it seems that idea has now gone out the window, which I'm gutted about. (Everyone else dropped out, and I hate going out by myself). So probably just say in

Saturday: Work from home
Sunday: Work from home.

This should bolster my funds yet again for Ibiza.
6th brough project`s craig smith&grame clark this saturday@ basement revolution will sort my weekend out:)