Weekend Plans!

OMG 7 Minutes then i pick my mate up, then its off to the GF's....then wait for the other 3...then off to Bear garden by the river in the sun to break the news that we arent just meeting to discuss, but for me to tell the lucky b*tches that IBIZA IS BOOKED !!!!


Don't worry Johnny, I'm sure you're still in with a chance ;)

(but please consider Ray's feelings)

I'm about 6" too short, plus year off Ibiza this year (I think).

OMG 7 Minutes then i pick my mate up, then its off to the GF's....then wait for the other 3...then off to Bear garden by the river in the sun to break the news that we arent just meeting to discuss, but for me to tell the lucky b*tches that IBIZA IS BOOKED !!!!

You need to stop saying GF. I keep thinking you have a lesbian lover. :lol:
OMG 7 Minutes then i pick my mate up, then its off to the GF's....then wait for the other 3...then off to Bear garden by the river in the sun to break the news that we arent just meeting to discuss, but for me to tell the lucky b*tches that IBIZA IS BOOKED !!!!



After you rub it in. Invite Ray;):lol:
If ray wants to come he is welcome to jump in with me and ben in september, the room is pai for so all HW would have to pay for is his flight. The guy needs something to look forward to.
The pizza was prob my best yet, but still not as good as one done in a professional oven. Topping was reduced can of tomatoes mixed with garlic and oregano, then chilli, asparagus, mushroom, basil, then mozarella/feta/parmesan cheeses. 8) Sounds a lot, but made sure not to overload with topping.
The pizza was prob my best yet, but still not as good as one done in a professional oven. Topping was reduced can of tomatoes mixed with garlic and oregano, then chilli, asparagus, mushroom, basil, then mozarella/feta/parmesan cheeses. 8) Sounds a lot, but made sure not to overload with topping.

Thats a booooooooooooooooooring pizza :lol:

Sounds tasty tho, but where was the ham or sausage :eek: you canny have a pizza with no meat ;) thats just criminal :lol:
The pizza was prob my best yet, but still not as good as one done in a professional oven. Topping was reduced can of tomatoes mixed with garlic and oregano, then chilli, asparagus, mushroom, basil, then mozarella/feta/parmesan cheeses. 8) Sounds a lot, but made sure not to overload with topping.

Next time coat the crust with Olive oil for 5 minutes than take out the oven put on the toppings bake it as normal. See if that does the trick. It works for me.
I enjoy veggie pizza. I try to have 3 veggie days a week and pizza's one of the easiest ways to go veggie. If the chef knows what they're doing and it's cooked in a proper oven, even a Margherita should be amazing. If I'm going to put meat on a pizza, it tends to be rough cut Italian sausage.
The feta was def good on it last night. A mix of cheeses works well, but in the interests of seeimg cultured I try to steer clear of cheddar. :lol: Had a couple of guests for dinner last night (well, my dad and his bird) and they were impressed.