Weekend Plans

fri: work * 1,000,000

sat: wifey parents having a huuge family do

sun: friends christening, hopefully see a m8 I haven't spoken to for best part of 15 years.

Saturday - off to see best friend her newish baby (the 10lber :lol: )

Be careful when trying to pick up said baby, will probably be a 20 pounder by now and a real back breaker :lol::lol:
Friday - Work / Football / Chillout

Sat - Trip to the Zoo followed by Cream @ Nation me thinks

Sun - Sunday Footy followed by many a beer for the Liverpool v Man U game.
fri: work * 1,000,000

sat: wifey parents having a huuge family do

sun: friends christening, hopefully see a m8 I haven't spoken to for best part of 15 years.

Be careful when trying to pick up said baby, will probably be a 20 pounder by now and a real back breaker :lol::lol:

I know, he is a right little lump. Only put on 5oz now though.......so Im told! :lol:
Booo to the Planet E dropouts!

Rob G - I thought you and the missus were going?

Robder - *shakes head in astonishment*
Booo to the Planet E dropouts!

Rob G - I thought you and the missus were going?

Robder - *shakes head in astonishment*

While you're here Becki, did you ever go skiing? Having posted that I'm off again and then you appearing has reminded me you posted asking about suggestions for a first time destination.
It won't last.

I'm just doing that early 30s 'suddenly getting serious' thing.

I'll be commencing my mid life crisis in approx 3-4 years so watch this space.

You're leaving it late Rob. I went all out for huge mid-life meltdown and attempt to 'get it back' at 28. Can't you have a pop at it now for our amusement?:p
Buckers - no, we couldn't decide where to go and left it too last minute to get a good deal. Went to Morocco in the end! which was nice, but obviously not the same :p It's definitely on my list of things I want to do very soon, but might have to wait for a couple of years, well, European skiing anyway ;)

Rob - so many 30-somethings I know are doing that serious thing, quite worrying! I'm waiting for them all to hit the 40's and hit the midlife crisis - flamboyant shirts and trying to get down with da kidz lol
Mid-life isn't 28 is it?! Say it aint so!! :eek:

Dunno, but it's when I ditched the longterm gf, bought a Mercedes, starting clubbing again and starting dating woman much younger than me. All the hallmarks, I was just out of the traps a bit sharpish!:lol:
Buckers - no, we couldn't decide where to go and left it too last minute to get a good deal. Went to Morocco in the end! which was nice, but obviously not the same :p It's definitely on my list of things I want to do very soon, but might have to wait for a couple of years, well, European skiing anyway ;)

I'm a bit jealous that you have the whole discovery of how great it is to come!8)
Mid-life isn't 28 is it?! Say it aint so!! :eek:

Actually yes it is! (or thereabouts)

I've already had my meltdown too (spectacularly so). :lol:

In retrospect it was brilliant - anyone who doesn't have a breakdown at 30 is getting it wrong imo. ;)

That 28-32 bit has always been viewed as a transitionary point. Coincides with Saturn apparently :eek: (it takes 29.5 years for Saturn to orbit around your chart).


"It is believed by astrologers that, as Saturn "returns" to the degree in its orbit occupied at the time of birth, a person crosses over a major threshold and enters the next stage of life. With the first Saturn return, a person leaves youth behind and enters adulthood. With the second return, maturity. And with the third and usually final return, a person enters wise old age. These periods are estimated to occur at roughly the ages of 27-30, 58-60, 86-88 and so on."

Take out the astro-babble if that's not your bag and it still makes logical sense I reckon.
Booo to the Planet E dropouts!

Rob G - I thought you and the missus were going?

Robder - *shakes head in astonishment*

We were but the House renovations have kinda taken over our life! We have the builders in on Sunday and I dont really think coming back from a club and cracking on in front of a builder will be any good for my brain!

There is still a very slim chance we will be there!
everyone who lived through the 90s and still involved in this scene is effectively locked in a mid-life crisis pretty much indefinitely. It is one great big hedonistic experiment. we are all guinea pigs. Happy 50th Danny Tenaglia :)
Yes I did, cheers! Tao is booked for tomorrow (along with 5 others - a man likes to keep his options open ;) )

Any other must-see's greatfully received!

Try and get the table at bottom of the big buddha statue, to the right hand corner as you look at it and you'll be the the third Spotlighter to have eaten at that very table.

Very excited for you mate!
Rob G - Can't you find a dealer who also does a bit of renovations on the side :lol:

Robder - by breakdown what do you mean exactly? Massive change in career/relationship.. not knowing where you're heading etc? I'm hoping my next travelling plans will stave off any mid-life crisis' in my 30's :eek:
Rob G - Can't you find a dealer who also does a bit of renovations on the side :lol:

Robder - by breakdown what do you mean exactly? Massive change in career/relationship.. not knowing where you're heading etc? I'm hoping my next travelling plans will stave off any mid-life crisis' in my 30's :eek:

I wish mate! Im not sure the quality of his plastering would be up to scratch tho ;)
Robder - by breakdown what do you mean exactly?

Uhhhhmmmmmm - how to answer that? It's like shedding a layer of skin.

We grow up with expectations put on us (some from society, some from friends, most from parents)...then suddenly the time comes when you have a big 'FU(K IT!' moment.

Realisation hits that all the fear based decisions you've been making all your life (money, career etc) are for $hit (usually someone elses $hit) and climbing the status ladder is meaningless - and then you die. :rolleyes:

Usually there's a catalyst for this (job crisis, divorce etc etc) and the bigger the meltdown, the more profound the changes afterwards and the more fearless you become.

It's an important rite of passage - life is too short for faffing. ;)

That's my take on it anyway. :lol:
Uhhhhmmmmmm - how to answer that? It's like shedding a layer of skin.

We grow up with expectations put on us (some from society, some from friends, most from parents)...then suddenly the time comes when you have a big 'FU(K IT!' moment.

Realisation hits that all the fear based decisions you've been making all your life (money, career etc) are for $hit (usually someone elses $hit) and climbing the status ladder is meaningless - and then you die. :rolleyes:

Usually there's a catalyst for this (job crisis, divorce etc etc) and the bigger the meltdown, the more profound the changes afterwards and the more fearless you become.

It's an important rite of passage - life is too short for faffing. ;)

That's my take on it anyway. :lol:

And above all.....wear suncreen